

   What Jesus did for us is unsurpassed and unequalled. No one could ever love us more than He could. He has done everything for our sake and has not left anything unfulfilled. We could either respond in accordance to what He has done for us or not. It is just one or the other. God did not love us reservedly but went out all the way when He gave His only Son, Jesus for our redemption and the forgiveness of our sins. It is only right and fitting that we do the same without reservation. We should always have an attitude of confidence and trust in God's perfect will in our lives. But how are we to know the will of God? In everything we do let us take after the example of the life of Jesus, full of total surrender and obedience. As we diligently examine ourselves and always strive to do what is pleasing to God then time will come when He will make known to us things we never thought imaginable or possible. Amen. Hallelujah! Ephesians 1:1-10 ...In him we have redemption by his blood, th


    If there are bible passages that should be known by heart and mind by a Christian then one of them is from today's 1st reading. It is about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. During my first Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) this bible passage was one of the things discussed intensively in the LSS. It was something that never left me and always served as a reminder and guideline. I am very grateful for that and feel that it should always be included in similar activities. In this way we could always refer to it like a checklist so that we can immediately dismiss or exchange whatever it is we bear in our heart, mind and soul that is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. . We have to submit ourselves to the Potter and imagine ourselves as the clay. We smile whenever we have trials because it is meant to transform us. We have to work on our character flaws. Let us consult today's 1st reading at all times since it tells us, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,


   We may have been through tough times and would never even think of reliving them again but we must not forget the valuable experience gained from it and the lessons we have learned. They say experience is the best teacher and it is. The art of being patient and knowing how to wait is something that we don’t acquire overnight. It is a product of our experiences with all the unexpected twists, turns and the agony of the uncertainty of the waiting. It wasn't an easy thing to wait but it will always pay off and worth it if we wait with joyful hope in our hearts knowing that God is Good and Almighty. Nothing is impossible with God. Sometimes we just miss the point and fail to see things in the proper perspective. When we do something and engage ourselves in activities that we consider as our offering to the Lord we immediately think that we have already been made righteous and holy. We can never fool God by masking our wrong doings through these things. If we think that we can deceiv


   We have a tendency to mistake freedom as free will and use it interchangeably. These are 2 different things. Free will is our ability to do anything that we please and it is unlimited while freedom is limited. When we exercise our free will we have to keep in mind that our freedom could be jeopardized by it. We are free to do anything we want but we are not free of the consequences. When we give in to sin then we become a slave of it. We have to stand firm and not be lured or deceived by the false propaganda it is constantly waging on us. We can never get away from the pains and torment that this present world of ours brings due to its imperfection. It is time we understand the real meaning of what Jesus said in Matthew 11:29-30, “Come to me all of you who are heavily laden and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Let us truly be wise in choosing the best and not settle for less. Let us not be deceived by the master of lies and deception by giving in to


If we have the right frame of mind then we can surely make wise decisions and take the right course of action. Today's 1st reading reminds us to set our priorities right so that all good things come to us. Wisdom is indeed a priceless gift for it is in having this that we can achieve and gain everything. Why settle for less when we can settle for the best. Amen. Hallelujah!   Wisdom 7:7-11 7 I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. 8 I preferred her to scepter and throne, and deemed riches nothing in comparison with her, 9 nor did I liken any priceless gem to her; because all gold, in view of her, is a little sand, and before her, silver is to be accounted mire. 10 Beyond health and comeliness I loved her, and I chose to have her rather than the light, because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. 11 Yet all good things together came to me in her company, and countless riches at her hands.  Our first parents were the original sinners


    Being a member of the big family of God is a great honor and privilege that we sometimes are not aware of. When we were baptized we all became God's children and that is one truth that we should all consciously live up to.    Let us no longer be deceived, indifferent, unaffected or despondent or whatever word we can think of that lessens its impact and efficacy or make us totally oblivious of this truth. We are children of God and heirs of His kingdom. But there are times when we forget. We must admit that we are guilty of this when other thoughts that are not in conformity with this truth assail us especially at times when people tend to question our actions and decisions. It is hard for most people to understand certain actions that we do based in our hope and faith in God. It could be very difficult but what’s important is that we firmly adhere to what we have committed to do for the Lord first and foremost. I know it may not be easy to understand and accept for others and f


   What Jesus did to save us was the ultimate sacrifice. He took the curse upon Himself and died on the cross. Have you known of anybody who has done the same thing or even close to it to another person? Come to think of it, what else could Jesus have done for us that He has not done? As the scriptures say, "By His wounds we are healed, He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities and the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him." Is there any other love and sacrifice greater than this? There is no other like it for there is none like Jesus our God. It is only right and fitting that we respond to this great love of God in the best way we can by taking every opportunity to learn more about the bible. Amen. Hallelujah! Galatians 3:7-14 ...“Cursed be everyone who does not persevere in doing all the things written in the book of the law.” 11 And that no one is justified before God by the law is clear, for “the one who is righteous by faith will live.” ..