I believe that if we offer all our choices to God he will not refrain from blessing us in so many ways. We have the power to make our lives prosperous and filled with blessings. All we have to do is make that decision and take charge. God gave us the freedom to choose let us hope and pray that we are always inclined to do the will of God in our lives to carry out His plan of prosperity in our life. We always have a choice. It's all up to us whatever we want to choose and it would help a lot if we will always be guided by these bible verses in today's 1st reading from Deuteronomy. The instructions are all very clear and specific and all we have to do is resolutely follow with all our might and strength what God is asking us and never yield to the deceptions and false presentations of the enemy. At this early stage of Lent, the Church calls us to look at the summons of Moses in today’s 1 st reading. This should make us consider our own lives and reflect on it. T...