

  Today's 1st reading reminds me of a game that my 2 sons and I used to play when they were still kids. We used to run around the house and pretend that an enemy was chasing us. When I got really tired I usually end up lying down in bed and tell my sons to do the same. I would assure them that even if the enemy catches up with us, we won't be hurt or captured because we have a wall that surrounds us. Somehow, this made me realize that God has indeed surrounded us with a protective wall that shelters and secures us. But there are times too when we allow our circumstances to breach these walls just like what happened to the Israelites. We, too are confronted with challenges in life that could sometimes break our defenses and yield. Let us always stand firm in our faith in God and never allow our situations to break us down. We should never doubt the truth that God has each one of us in the palm of His hand. Amen. Hallelujah! 2 Kings 25:1-12 ...when famine had gripped the city, an

Mathematical equation of life

  When a person turns 18 it is considered a milestone and a major turning point in one’s life. I even noticed here in the US that people at the age of 18 are already very independent. They move out of their parents' home and live on their own. Unlike in the Philippines or for the Filipinos, most of them continue to stay knitted even after having a family of their own. But I guess, this is beside the point, whether we live with our parents or by ourselves, are independent and self sufficient or not at the moment what should clearly be our goal is that we do what's pleasing in the sight of the Lord and follow His good example and everything else will follow. Amen. Hallelujah! 2nd book of Kings 24,8-17. Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Nehushta, daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem. He did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his forebears had done... Most people I believe will agree with m


  Today’s readings remind me of that incident in 2008 at St. Martha’s when a lady lost her purse. We had already started the Divine Mercy and Rosary Devotion that we regularly pray after the morning mass when the said lady approached us and inquired if we have seen her purse. When we responded that we didn’t see her purse I could tell that she even became more anxious and very worried. The moment we resumed our prayer, I silently prayed for her and felt God spoke in my heart with the message that her purse is not really lost it was just misplaced. I whispered to Sister Marcy who was sitting beside me the message that I got. True enough, after a while the woman came back with her purse, she said that she got it from the rectory because somebody (a senior citizen) took her purse by mistake and she was already on her way home when it dawned on her that she did not bring any purse to church and got somebody else's purse. Upon realizing it she immediately went back to Church but just de


There are times when we fall into the trap of going through our lives as if nothing makes sense and just go with the flow. This happens when we pray less and become more familiar and adapted to the worldly set up we have grown accustomed to. There is a need for us to make a conscious and determined effort to live each day for God who is our Creator. Everything around us and in our lives become significant and take on a different meaning when we draw close to God. Amen. Hallelujah! 2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 ...“O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned upon the cherubim! You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made the heavens and the earth. 16 Incline your ear, O LORD, and listen! Open your eyes, O LORD, and see!... We may all come to a point in our Christian walk of faith when we are no longer sure if what we are doing is the right thing. It is so hard at times when we are confronted with people and situations that are difficult to handle. Some may look at what


    Our God is incomparable for He loves us with a love greater than any other. From the moment we were conceived in our mother's womb, even before we were born, God already knows each one of us by name.  Let us always align our will, intentions, motives and actions with God. It is always good to check ourselves constantly and regularly at every given opportunity. Nothing is ever wasted nor considered useless for as long as we offer it to God. We have all been called by God for a purpose. He already had a plan laid out for us even before we were born. We are that special to God. Let us not forget our holy calling from God. Let us become the man or woman God has meant us to be and live each day of our lives in answer to this call. The readings for today continue to reflect on the Holy Servant Songs of Jesus. The mention of being called even from a mother’s womb, the 2 edged sword and polished arrow are symbols of God’s words. The Word that reaches to the ends of the earth, penetrate

The other side of the sea

  As far as I can remember I have always loved the sea and wondered of so many things about it and this could be due to the nature of the surroundings where I practically grew up all my life. During summer, when schools days were over, I used to spend the entire day swimming with my cousins and friends to the point of total exhaustion, sunburn, wrinkled hands and feet, dimmed eyesight due to too much salt water, feet laden with sea urchin and in a few days nearly skinned all over. I have always heard people saying that life is very much like the sea. Being constantly in touch with the reality of the vast and awesome greatness of the sea as part of God's creation, I should say that there is a truth in it. I had the greatest and most unforgettable time of my childhood spent in the leisure and enjoyment of living near the sea. This has lead me, as I grow older to a better appreciation of what it really means. Amen. Hallelujah! Job 38:1. 8-11 ...Who shut within doors the sea, when it b


    One of the things I have to change about myself is my being forgetful. I get myself in trouble because of this. One way or another, I know that forgetting about something has happened to you before and I'm sure it also crossed your mind that if only someone reminded you about it then it wouldn't have happened. In today's 1st reading it suddenly hit me that our God is the most persistent when it comes to reminding us of the things we're supposed to do. We lack gratitude in God’s untiring ways of drawing us to a relationship with Him and one ingratitude leads to another and so on and so forth. This is what happened in today's 1st reading. King Joash was protected and hidden so he would be spared of sure death and live to take his rightful place as king but did not remember that Jehoiada was instrumental to this and failed to look back and pay his respects and gratitude. He dishonored the memory of his ancestors by staining his hands of the blood of the very people