Why is it that nothing seems to be perfect in this world? There are times when just as we are about to achieve something really close to it suddenly something happens and without even knowing it the picture perfect scenario changes into a not so pleasant one or worst into something we never ever wanted to happen. In everything there is always a reason and we can't help encounter such things because we live in an imperfect world but we can always hope in Jesus our Lord and Savior who will make all things perfect in His time. We are indeed God's priority! He surely looks after all our cares and concerns. I am reminded of the time when Sis Em invited me to attend the AFCCPC (Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities) North Pacific Regional Conference in Stockton , CA . I immediately agreed to it but when I realized that there are a lot of expenses that go with it, my enthusiasm died down and decided that I can postpone my taking part in these activitie...