We can sometimes easily change our minds and decide against something that we were just considering at one moment. It could be contradictory to what we were earlier stating but it happens to all of us and can not deny that's how we are at times. Our minds can only be occupied with and focused on a few things if not just one at a particular time. No matter how good and brilliant we may be, we all have our limitations. We may be up to something yesterday but can suddenly change today and could definitely not tell what tomorrow may bring. Everything seems to be uncertain except for the fact that we have a God that is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever as in today's 1st reading and that is all that matters. There is none like God. There is no one and nowhere to go but only to God. We have to decide once and for all to live for Jesus alone. It is time we have a grasp of the depth of God's love and mercy. Without realizing this we can never come to appreciate ...