
Showing posts from February, 2021


    We can sometimes easily change our minds and decide against something that we were just considering at one moment. It could be contradictory to what we were earlier stating but it happens to all of us and can not deny that's how we are at times. Our minds can only be occupied with and focused on a few things if not just one at a particular time. No matter how good and brilliant we may be, we all have our limitations. We may be up to something yesterday but can suddenly change today and could definitely not tell what tomorrow may bring. Everything seems to be uncertain except for the fact that we have a God that is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever as in today's 1st reading and that is all that matters. There is none like God. There is no one and nowhere to go but only to God. We have to decide once and for all to live for Jesus alone.  It is time we have a grasp of the depth of God's love and mercy. Without realizing this we can never come to appreciate ...


    The story of Joseph the Dreamer has become an inspiration to Christians throughout generations. It has been told from age to age for it displayed the power of God in people who remained faithful and proved themselves true to God against all odds.    It tells us of God's wonderful plan for Joseph who despite of the harsh blows and unfortunate events that happened in his life remained steadfast in his faith in God. What could be worse than being hated by his own brothers in flesh and blood to the point of wishing him dead. No matter how hard and difficult the path he had to go through, God was in it every step of the way and made it sure that his dreams all came to pass. Amen. Hallelujah! Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a Israel  loved Joseph best of all his sons, for he was the child of his old age; and he had made him a long tunic. When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons, they hated him so much that they would not even greet him....


  Men and women are always trying to unravel the secrets of how to look young and stay healthy. Scientists are working doubly hard to discover something that will reverse or arrest the aging process or find cure for certain illnesses and diseases. If the question is how to stay fresh amidst the harsh conditions we are in and still bear fruit, look no further for the answer is in today's 1st reading although it also contains a very unpopular part of Jeremiah’s prophecy. Everything we need has always been provided for by the Lord and all we have to do is follow His instructions to us. It is just right and proper that we constantly consult the word of God in order for us to not be led astray. The battle between good and evil is on and does not rest so we all need to always be vigilant and mindful of our every action. It will always depend on our choices, the enemy can only suggest but we are the ones who will ultimately decide and we always have a choice. It's up to us which ones ...


 Sometimes we get carried away with our emotions and anger and we do things that we regret later. In today's 1st reading, Jeremiah showed us the perfect reaction which is to confide to God in prayers whatever complaints, feelings of vengefulness and retaliation we have. It is sometimes so difficult to understand the way some things work. Sometimes we just can't get a good picture of how the world operates. There are times when we have been doing everything good and yet something else happens apart from our expectations. We live in a world that is disorderly and full of chaos as we look all around us we can see its proof and evidence. Sometimes we encounter people and situations in life when we are confronted with evil in our midst. We can not discount the fact that this is a reality that we have to deal with everyday. This may be very true but let us not lose heart. In the complexities and complications of life all we have to do is trust in God. It should not cause us to despai...


 Every time I encounter this bible passage from today’s 1 st  reading which speaks of the orphan and the widow I am always reminded of my mother. She is a woman of great faith and courage. I have witnessed as I was growing up how she was able to storm through all the trials and difficulties of a widow left with the care of her 3 very young children.    She had a great responsibility in her hands at that time. Although she told us that there were moments when she was overwhelmed by the sudden shift of all responsibilities and felt inadequate and incapable of carrying out all the things that needed to be done. Through it all she saw how God looked after our welfare and never left us. He directed her steps to the right path and led her to the right people and situations. It was exactly what made her hold on God’s word and promise. It was also due to this faith of my mother that I got confidence and assurance that God hears all our prayers, confirms it and makes us feel ...


 As human beings we go through different stages in life as we grow old and should hope to become a better person in the process. It would always help to assess how we are doing with our life. This reminds me of an episode of Grey's Anatomy entitled, "I saw what I saw" The doctor was examining a conscious, up and about patient in the ER who had minor burns due to a fire that broke out in the hotel where they were staying. Her vital signs were all normal, in fact she was completely aware of what was going on around her. She was in the process of being examined further when she suddenly screamed because she saw another patient who just got admitted in the ER, with a big ax planted and poking out of his chest. He is a firefighter who tripped and accidentally axed his own chest. It was quite a scene that the doctor who was examining her got distracted and totally forgot about what she was about to do to her. Unfortunately, what was bypassed in her assessment is the most import...