What further proof do we still need in order to truly believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior? We must come to this point where we achieve the peak of our faith and be truly confident of the deep meaning of what Easter celebration is all about. Bottom line, it's about love, care and understanding no matter what activities we engage in and people we spend time with, as long as it's all done with these 3 things then Easter is always a reality in our lives. What a privilege to be one of God's chosen witnesses. Everyday of our lives should be directed toward this goal that we may someday come face to face with God and be able to stand in His presence. Today’s 1 st reading also reminds me of my reflection several years ago about my visit to the Getty museum. As a Christian we must believe that there is no such thing as coincidence only divine providence. I could still remember when we (Sisters Bernadeth, Lucy, Marcy, and Rose) spent the entire day at the J. Paul Getty Museum...