Problems, trials and difficulties are all part of the life we live here on earth. They are present whether we accept it or not. What's most important is that we realize that in the midst of all these things is a God who is with us. He is strong and faithful and would always help us overcome whatever comes our way. If we really believe in this then we can get over all our fear, depression and grief. If this is the case, then there is no reason for us to be sad and weep but instead rejoice in the Lord who is our strength and follow exactly what is written in today's 1st reading. The insights in the Companion Journal wrote, "As we read this text from Nehemiah, it is important for us to recognize the awe and respect with which the Jewish people held the Word of God. If only we had the same respect for God’s Word. We all ought to have at least one Bible in our homes and it ought to be read often. If we are not taking up the Word of God and reading it regularly our minds and he...