The commandments are not given to us to limit our freedom but in fact it is the formula for a truly happy life and enhances our freedom even more. Imagine someone driving in the freeway and the kind of scenario if there are no rules and regulations to be followed. There would be a lot of chaos. Can we imagine leaving our children in a day care with a playground without any fences? These are the words of our Apologetics teacher who shared to us the guidelines to a truly happy life. These rules help us enjoy life and have more peace and joy. God's commandments can be outlined as principles of moral life (CCC 2033: The Magisterium of the Pastors of the Church in moral matters is ordinarily exercised in catechesis and preaching, with the help of the works of theologians and spiritual authors. Thus from generation to generation, under the aegis and vigilance of the pastors, the "deposit" of Christian moral teaching has been handed on, a deposit composed of a characteristic bo...