
Showing posts from November, 2021


Sometimes we come to a point in our lives when we have questions and doubts especially when we encounter situations that cloud our thinking. It may be foolish to even do so but there are times when we are not so sure about our beliefs and what to believe in. When we profess that the Lord our God is over all, in all and for all, this becomes especially difficult at times when we are confronted of the fact that we live in a world ruled with chaos, disorder and so much imperfection. We may come up with all kinds of denials, excuses and justifications but they are just what they really are, as the word and name itself suggests. In the midst of all these things there are just two things we can do, to listen and act on the word of God or not. The message from today's 1st reading is very clear. It is just a matter of living for this truth or against it. There are no ifs, buts and no in between. Everything that happens in this world is within the will of God. Sometimes terrible and unpleas...


  We should always come to God in prayer every single day and humbly ask for His instructions and directions especially at times when we are about to make certain decisions in our life. Without fail, God always show us a well lighted path where we are secure to go. Our life here on earth is much like a journey. We may be travelling through several means of transportation and it could be by land, air or sea. We can choose any way we want to travel. It follows that in our life's journey we encounter so many trials, difficulties, hindrances and discouragements but this should not stop us from carrying on. We've got to be determined in going forward, not turn back and lose our way. Just like any other journeys, there is one thing we should be certain of, where are we heading to. We may have been travelling long and hard enough without being certain of the outcome. There are several paths that can lead us to several places. Where is this journey taking us? We've got to have a de...


  There’s    no better way to start the 1st day of the New Liturgical Calendar of the Catholic Church than to look to God and focus our eyes on Him as he gives us hope to look forward toward the fulfillment of what He has promised to us as foretold in today’s 1st reading. Amen. Hallelujah! Reading  1 Jer 33:14-16 The days are coming, says the LORD,  when I will fulfill the promise… No matter how unsure life may be and how unfair it may seem we can always rely on the one true God who was, is and will always be forever. If we will just take to heart at all times the assurances of God in the scriptures then there is really nothing that should stop us from following the right path that leads to God. We should constantly implore God's help in prayers so that we faithfully live out His example in our lives. In the  Philippines  there is an expression being said when people are so bent over and head strong about doing a certain task like nothing can ever stop...


It feels good to be nostalgic from time to time and see how things worked out as they did and were connected in a way. It goes to show that the Master Planner carry out things in a mysterious way and may continue to benefit us even for years without even realizing it. Everything really works out for good. Looking back at all the things that happened make us appreciate things even more.    It may be many years ago but it still impacts our lives. In doing so we are witnessing how God in His goodness continues to amaze us with His endless and timeless solutions. We just have to be thankful that we have a God who always makes us feel loved. He reveals to us His greatness at the proper time and hour, all we have to do is trust Him. Though, it is very sad that nowadays, people are no longer interested in matters about God the way they are with matters of this world. It could have been a lot more understandable if people who are caught up between the conflict of secular and religious...


  Today’s 1st reading is taken from the Book of Daniel which is written even before the time Jesus was born. This passage which speaks of the Son of Man refers to Jesus. This I’ve learned from our bible study and since then I have come to learn, discover and appreciate better a lot of things in the bible more than I used to. Especially the relevance of the scriptures in the Old Testament to the New Testament and the overwhelming connection to each other which is shown in the gradual but steady building up of the realization of the ancient prophecies in Jesus. All the prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Jesus.   The readings point only to one thing, the Kingship, Majesty and Dominion of God over all the earth. In today's 1st reading, God is described as seating on His throne and gave an impression of great power. It takes us to another aspect or level of understanding of the majesty of our God. We ought to be glad and rejoice that we have a God who is Almighty...


  According to Catholic therapist, Monica Breaux there are strategies in order for us to move to wholeness especially those people with certain addictions. Let’s take sexual addiction as an example. We may think that “anything goes” but our body does not think that everything goes. Some behaviors can cause physical and mental health problems. The blessing of our church is that we have such good wisdom when it comes to guidance around sexuality and that wisdom is validated by scientific evidence. We don’t need science to prove our faith but to those who tend to say that our faith is outdated and antiquated then they are wrong about that. Science is absolutely on the Church’s side. There is great wisdom in the faith about sexuality and good guidance. Sometimes people don’t know what the church teaches. What the church teaches is acceptable in marriage and for those who think otherwise it is perhaps caused by the cultural idea that “anything goes.” They are wrong, whether they accept ...