
Showing posts from April, 2022


  Have you ever experienced being threatened? Just like Peter we should not give in but persevere to follow God rather than succumb to our fear. For as long as we've got God on our side and leaning on the promises of God our Savior then we're standing on solid immovable ground. Day in and day out we are confronted with choices, big or small, all they ever amount to and what it is about is just one important thing. Nothing should ever stop us from following their example of faith. It should inspire us to know that it was God who chose us first even before we ever came to be. His choice comes first even before we make a choice. He chose to love us first. If we believe that God loves us then we are confident in the fact that we must obey God above all. We must follow the example of obedience that Jesus showed us. It was one born out of inspiration rather than obligation. St. Thomas Aquinas said God the Father did it by inspiring the Son with so much love that Jesus did it. The obe...


  There are many distractions all around us. Whether we admit or not, we too succumb to it and sometimes fail to act in accordance to what is right. We need to know what our priorities are in life. It is of prime importance that we know what needs to be on top of our list because everything else will come second and just trail behind. What we focus on grows. Today's 1st reading leaves us with a very important word of advice that we really ought to take seriously and act on. Amen. Hallelujah! Acts 6:1-7 ...the Twelve called together the community of the disciples and said, “It is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table. 3 Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, whom we shall appoint to this task, 4 whereas we shall devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Nothing is hidden from God and everything is known to Him. It pays to always consult our plans to God in prayers and everything we intend to ...


   We have a very powerful statement in today's 1st reading which should make us think hard about the issues we face in our lives. Considering that even the stubborn Sanhedrin was persuaded and laid the issue to rest. Sometimes we are like the Pharisees or the stubborn Israelites who struggle so much about a lot of things without realizing that we really don't have to. For if God is for us nobody or nothing could be against us. Everybody has their own problems and concerns in life and each one of us after doing what is needed and required to the best of our abilities, to the full extent of our capacities and knowledge and as far as the time, condition and situation permits should lay everything to rest at the foot of Jesus. There are times when we are at a loss and unsure of the things we have to do. In moments like these we really have to pray hard first and foremost and do our best to discern the right course of action. Especially in extreme cases when we are confronted with...


   Have you ever experienced being threatened? Just like Peter we should not give in but persevere to follow God rather than succumb to our fear. For as long as we've got God on our side and leaning on the promises of God our Savior then we're standing on solid immovable ground. Day in and day out we are confronted with choices, big or small, all they ever amount to and what this is all about is just one important thing. Nothing should ever stop us from following their example of faith. It should inspire us to know that it was God who chose us first even before we ever came to be. His choice comes first even before we make a choice. He chose to love us first. If we believe that God loves us then we are confident in the fact that we must obey God above all. We must follow the example of obedience that Jesus showed us. It was one born out of inspiration rather than obligation. St. Thomas Aquinas said God the Father did it by inspiring the Son with so much love that Jesus did it....


   We may not be physically behind bars but all of us are sometimes trapped in our own prison cells. It may be caused by our own doing, others who oppress us or the circumstances that surround us. But whatever kind of prison we may all have, it is always a consolation to know that God sends His angels to set us free. The more we learn about our faith the more we are all freed.  St. Jerome  said, "Ignorance of the bible is ignorance of Christ." Our lack of the proper knowledge could be considered a prison that hinders us from loving God better. The good news is that we can always choose to be set free for Jesus already bailed us out a long time ago. Another thing I am reminded of today's 1st reading is the angel imprinted on my rose petal. Although I wasn't in prison like the apostles, things weren't going too well for me during that time when I got the rose petal. Somehow it made me realize how much God loves me by sending an angel not just to set me free but to m...