While we still have time, let's take advantage of it. We'll never know the time and the hour and not wait before it's too late. Let's not cram and lose everything. Have you ever experienced cramming for an exam and trying to read and absorb everything on the night before an exam? I did and the result was disastrous. Amos the prophet where today's 1st reading is taken from calls us to act on the word of God. He is not just a shepherd and dresser of sycamores. He is a herdsman, rancher and a wealthy person. He lives in the garrison city a place dominated by people of power who live in luxury. He lived in affluence and belonged to the clan system which is a guild or crusade to maintain the purity of the tradition of the temple (Ark of the Covenant). He was well educated, and embraced the clan wisdom. Although he experienced a luxurious life he was also aware of the injustice and plight of the people being a sycamore dresser who worked in close contact with the pe...