
Showing posts from January, 2023


   When we have already experienced various levels of discipline in the Lord and went through what we could say the longest and most elaborate process while waiting for the answers to our prayers and thriving purely on the Divine Providence of God then this consolation from today's 1st reading assures us that in the end everything is worth it. Every trial and hardship we encounter is our training ground and   could gain for us a vast amount of learning which could benefit us not only intellectually, emotionally and spiritually but most of all in unforeseen and countless ways that could only be acquired through that experience. We have to come to this realization and continue to keep our hopes up in the one and only Lord Jesus who can make all things possible for us. Amen. Hallelujah!  Letter to the Hebrews 12,4-7.11-15. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood... "My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord or lose h...


  We are so blessed that we have a leader and model whom we can look up to at all times and never be disappointed. For Jesus himself endured more than any of us can ever imagine and withstand, we might ask ourselves, “Is there something more He could have done for us which He has not done?” The 1st reading for today is just a follow through from yesterday’s reading which speaks of various Old Testament saints and people who have lived the faith in the face of the impossible. These are the likes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and so many others who followed them after having gone through insurmountable tasks came out filled with faith. They are the great cloud of witnesses that we all look up to for hope and inspiration. The idea of a group of people the so called cloud of witnesses shows unity as a group. Taking to consideration also the word martyrs meaning witnesses. They are not passive witnesses like people who see an incident or accident but can’t do anything about it. This cloud...


   Today’s 1 st  reading describes the courageous faith of many Old Testament (OT) heroes describing their persecutions, asceticism, and the martyrdoms they endured. The reason for this recounting of these holy OT figures is summarized in the 1 st  sentence of Heb. 12, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” Notice the mention of a great cloud of witnesses, this refers not only to their testimonies in martyrdom, by the way the Greek word for witness is martyrs, it also refers to the fact that the saints now in heaven are witnessing from above. They are observing how we run the race toward our heavenly reward now that it’s our turn. Notice also that the same Gk. word for witness, martyrs which is used to describe those in heaven is found in other pas...


 Isn't it true that we feel closest to God in times of trouble? The Lord gives us peace in the midst of the world’s difficulties. Haven’t we experienced God’s grace in time of affliction? He always comes to our aid. In the midst of the chaos of this world, we draw closer to Him. We go through sorrows and sufferings and see the paschal mystery, the cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We hold on to the paradoxical promises in the midst of affliction. Let us not lose sight of this and truly seek the Lord at all times. Amen. Hallelujah! Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13 3 Seek the LORD, all you humble of the earth, who have observed his law; seek justice, seek humility; Not once did the word of God ever failed. My mother used to say that God loves the fatherless and the widow in a very special way as if nothing else matters. I grew up as a child constantly hearing her say this and believing it myself as I was growing up and knowing more about the Lord. She has greatly influenced my f...


  Father Abraham has indeed set a good example of faith for us all to follow. It was evidenced by his willingness to go forth even without knowing where he was to go, remaining faithful in a God who is trustworthy and being rewarded with Isaac as a symbol. When we were young we just follow where our parents lead us. We ought to be like little children with hands clasped by our loving parents trusting that they will not lead us to a place of danger. This should be our attitude towards God knowing that He will not allow us to go through something without seeing us through it. Just like Abraham in today's 1st reading when he went out not knowing where he was to go but by faith he sojourned. This reminds me of Father Benedict’s homily about Isaac. He said that Isaac was very unsuspecting and very trusting. He was already being led by his own father, Abraham to his death but he still asked in the most innocent way in Genesis 22:7-8, Isaac spoke to his father Abraham. “Father!” he s...


   We need to exercise a great deal of perseverance in order to carry out God's will for us. I guess it can be compared to those people who wanted to get fit and lose weight. We've seen a lot of people get thin and get fat. They just continue to fight this battle of the bulge by trying to keep the weight off but back on after a while. I read this article in Reader’s Digest about losing weight and generally, it has a recommendation to eat the fats and exercise less. We just don’t know what to believe anymore. I guess, the hardest part is not in losing weight but in keeping it off. Only a few people managed to keep the weight off for good. Their secret lies in the fact that to maintain a physically fit body means committing to a healthy regimen not for a certain period of time but for life. The same is true with maintaining a healthy relationship with God. Doing the will of God is not like a fair weather thing or something we do when the going is good but when it goes bad we for...


  Today's 1st reading is a call for us to remain true to the faith which reminds me of charismatic seminars like LSS, (Life in the Spirit Seminar) LLS, (Living in the Light Seminar) CLP (Christian Life Program) or whatever they call it wherein people are laid hands on, get baptized and received God's gifts of the Holy Spirit. We all have to recall and not leave to be forgotten the good memories that strengthened our faith the way Paul is doing for Timothy and Titus whose feasts we are celebrating today. Paul one of the greatest apostles did not do everything by himself. He had these 2 greatest collaborators who help him fulfill God's mission. Timothy and Titus served the church and carried out good deeds in whatever situation they are in even in times of challenges. We are encourage also to stir in into flame the same grace given to them, the laity and all the baptized to participate in the mission of the church. When Jesus called the first apostles who were mending their n...