In today’s 1 st reading, Abraham was visited by 3 men whom he showed hospitality despite the fact that he had never met them before. There are times when we think negatively and consider some of the good things we have done as lost and gone. Especially if we do it to people whom we barely know, could not return the favor and could not benefit in us in some ways. Such as these would never be the case if we consider everything we do as a form of service to God. It makes a whole lot of difference when the people we’re doing a great favor are dear and close to us. To extend hospitality to someone who is almost a stranger and could not return the favor nor expect anything from them is truly noble. Abraham was rewarded for his good deeds by God Himself who never lets anything go unnoticed especially those we offer in service to God. Since I arrived here in the US in May 19, 2007 I never had a single hair cut. My hair has grown so long that a lot of ...