
Showing posts from June, 2023


   In today’s 1 st  reading, Abraham was visited by 3 men whom he showed hospitality despite the fact that he had never met them before. There are times when we think negatively and consider some of the good things we have done as lost and gone. Especially if we do it to people whom we barely know, could not return the favor and could not    benefit in us in some ways. Such as these would never be the case if we consider everything we do as a form of service to God. It makes a whole lot of difference when the people we’re doing a great favor are dear and close to us. To extend hospitality to someone who is almost a stranger and could not return the favor nor expect anything from them is truly noble. Abraham was rewarded for his good deeds by God Himself who never lets anything go unnoticed especially those we offer in service to God. Since I arrived here in the  US  in May 19, 2007 I never had a single hair cut. My hair has grown so long that a lot of ...


  Today’s 1st reading speaks of God promising to Abraham that he’ll be a father of multitude. For the Jews he is the physical father and has an influence greater than anybody in the history of the world. For 75 years he was a pagan and worshipped the god of  Mesopotamia  and had not yet met God. When he met God he was transformed for all the nations of the world. It is ironic for him to be called that name for he has no children yet. His name was changed from Abram to Abraham and exactly what his name means, father of all nations. Abraham was promised that his descendants will be so great just like looking at the stars and not be able to count them. When God gave this promise, he was 99 years old  and Sarah was 90. All he did was trust God. It’s not hard to believe in a God who brought everything out of nothing. Are we going to trust or not? In Gen 18, Abraham was visited by the Lord’s angels. He exercises hospitality to them whereas Sarah laughed to herself when she...


  I was reminded of the time when I suddenly felt like I am going to pass out. I could not breathe and was having cold perspiration since I did not eat breakfast and missed dinner too. I was still in Church and almost in a panic when I found myself unable to recite the remaining 2 decades of the Divine Mercy prayer although I was still able to stay until the end of the prayers I barely managed to get myself up to walk to the door. And just right on time and what I needed, a sudden gush of strong wind blew my way as if fanning my whole body. It totally refreshed me and felt better. A lady whom I don’t even know offered to bring me home. Though, I declined and told her I’d be fine since I was already feeling better, I was overwhelmed by her gesture of kindness. Whenever I look at the circumstances that surround it, I must say that God wants to show me how He keeps us safe and sound and never runs out of angels whether in disguise or real people. This is why I am reminded again o...


   Judging from what is happening in our lives right now and if we will just look very closely, I guess, we can find ourselves saying that there is a time in our life too, when just like Abram we experienced a deep terrifying darkness which enveloped our whole being and felt very afraid. I did and it was the time when I had to make this life changing decision of mine to come and stay in the  US . It has always been God's reassuring words and promises in the scriptures and the perfectly fitted situations that go with it which helped me remain steadfast in the Lord. I have shared several times already about how the Sea of Galilee has impacted my life in a very special way while I was still in the  Philippines  and in the planning stage of coming here to the  US . Not to forget the several occasions and circumstances which I encountered and further built my confidence in the decision that I made to stay here in the  US . One of the most extraordinary situ...


   We may all come to a point in our Christian walk of faith when we are no longer sure if what we are doing is the right thing. It is so hard at times when we are confronted with people and situations that are difficult to handle. Some may look at we are doing as being impractical and inappropriate when we make decisions that are not conformed to the existing and current standard of this world which is always after personal gain and glory. No matter how confusing things may be let us continue to consult God with regards to our plans and totally entrust everything to Him. After having said and done what we are supposed to do then we ought to be always confident that God can make things work for good and turn it into a blessing. Just like in today's 1st reading, Abraham had totally given way to  Lot 's preference and is obviously not after his own personal gain. He could have done otherwise and insisted on a fair agreement that can benefit them both. But he's generosity an...


   It doesn't matter much where we are going what matters most is that God is directing us every single step of the way. There is no doubt about the will of God to walk side by side with us but are we willing to walk side by side with Him. God and sin can never be put together. If we truly want to be united with God at all times we have to separate ourselves with sin. It is not so hard to know where God is leading us. We have been given long before we were born the 10 commandments and the teachings of the Church. They have all been planted in our hearts. Let us not stray any longer and truly follow where the Lord leads us. We all have experiences in life that could make us realize that each of us is called by God for a mission and a purpose in life. We could never deny it if we would just be sensitive to the promptings of the Lord. These circumstances can be coupled with several confirmations not only in terms of people and situations we’ve encountered but most especially thro...


  The readings today speak of opposition gathering and enemies organizing. It’s not just about Jeremiah and Jesus, it’s also about us, our church and the journey of our lives striving to be faithful to God. No matter what those enemies do, the readings speak of the reward of those who are faithful to the Lord and many other passages show us a pattern. As we look back and recall the betrayal of Jesus when his enemies organize and attack, let us not overlook that the one being persecuted and attacked, said, sing and praise the Lord for He is victorious. The Church wants us to follow this pattern and interpret every persecution and suffering that we undergo in this manner. If we are in a way taken to captivity just as what happened to Jeremiah at that time there is no cause to resist. Jeremiah was even accused to be a traitor and out of his mind. He recognized that they are the instruments for his people to be converted by placing the responsibility right on the shoulders of his ...