I have always heard how a lot of people get amazed at the stories of conversion of some very despicable people who still turned out to be saints. It was almost like an impossibility if we were to look at the kind of lives they were living back then. It took a while as in very long years that seemed like forever before some of them finally got into perfect shape before the eyes of God. The likes of St. Augustine whose feast day we celebrated a couple of days ago is an example of this long process of conversion through the persistent prayers of his mother St. Monica. Nothing is a lost cause or a hopeless case for the Lord. Now, he is one of the greatest minds the Church has known and the most quoted of all writers in Church documents. The depth and breadth of his writings is truly a testimony of his commitment to seek out the truth. We could really get a lot of inspiration from saints like them. If there’s one thing we could learn from this then it is the truth that Go...