
Showing posts from November, 2023


   Today’s 1st reading is taken from the Book of Daniel which is written even before the time Jesus was born. This passage which speaks of the Son of Man refers to Jesus. This I’ve learned from our bible study and since then I have come to learn, discover and appreciate better a lot of things in the bible more than I used to. Especially the relevance of the scriptures in the Old Testament to the New Testament and the overwhelming connection to each other which is shown in the gradual but steady building up of the realization of the ancient prophecies in Jesus. All the prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Jesus.   The readings point only to one thing, the Kingship, Majesty and Dominion of God over all the earth. In today's 1st reading, God is described as seating on His throne and gave an impression of great power. It takes us to another aspect or level of understanding of the majesty of our God. We ought to be glad and rejoice that we have a God who is Al...


   Sometimes we come to a point in our lives when we have questions and doubts especially when we encounter situations that cloud our thinking. It may be foolish to even do so but there are times when we are not so sure about our beliefs and what to believe in. When we profess that the Lord our God is over all, in all and for all, this becomes especially difficult at times when we are confronted of the fact that we live in a world ruled with chaos, disorder and so much imperfection. We may come up with all kinds of denials, excuses and justifications but they are just what they really are, as the word and name itself suggests. In the midst of all these things there are just two things we can do, to listen and act on the word of God or not. The message from today's 1st reading is very clear. It is just a matter of living for this truth or against it. There are no ifs, buts and no in between. Everything that happens in this world is within the will of God. Sometimes terrible and...


   Mene, Tekel and Peres is what today's 1st reading speaks about. If we would apply the message it conveys in our lives then this is how we should see it. Mene means that our days here on earth are numbered because we would all have to leave behind everything. No human being living here on earth can deny the truth that we will die because no one has ever been known to escape death except for Jesus who resurrected after 3 days. Time will come when the only thing that will matter is the Tekel. How we lived our life is what would be left of us and be judged accordingly. As to whether we would be found adequate, in excess or wanting would all depend on how we choose to live the life given to us by God. When everything is done and over with and then we would have to face reality that we must be able to surrender all that we have and leave everything behind as in Peres. If this is the case then we might as well know how to set our priorities right and do what is pleasing before God...


   God never leaves us hanging in the air with nothing to hold on to. Everyday God is speaking to us in his words through the gospel and through the people around us. God is always urging us to go beyond our boundaries and never underestimate the capabilities that God is continuously giving us. We can always do better and do best for the Lord as He will always be true to His promise and will never let us down. We should never doubt that God will make things beautiful in His time. For God is able to see through our future and will put to completion His grand plan for us. Today’s 1st reading brought back memories of the great time I had with Sister April at the  English   Springs   Park  and  St. Paul  the  Apostle   Church  both in Chino Hills. It was a day filled with enlightenment after spending time meditating and contemplating on scriptures while enjoying the beauty that surrounds us. I was able to R-E-S-T, S-urrender T-ime to R-...


   What seems to be folly to man is wisdom in the eyes of God. When we truly and sincerely desire to do things that are most pleasing to God, we sometimes come to the point of being misunderstood or worst the laughing stock of some.    There are times when most people already get used to the existing and prevailing accepted norms of our society that the most practical is mistaken as the right and fitting thing to do. Daniel in today's 1st reading firmly stood by the principles of God by refusing the so called food from the royal table. Come to think of it, who would not do anything for the sake of being favored by a king or who would even think or do something to jeopardize this chance and refuse such a privilege to be counted as one of the King's chosen few who could enjoy the richness and luxury of royalty. In the eyes of man it seems very foolish to decline and refuse such a lucrative and tempting offer.    For Daniel there is more to life than just powe...


   There are times when we may not be able to give a logical explanation for everything that happens to us but the truth remains that what the Lord said in today's 1st reading is true. No matter what our situations are we can always be assured that God looks after our welfare more than we ever know. There should be an abounding joy in our heart in the knowledge that God can never be wrong. We can always rely on His instincts and judgment to do the right thing for us. Somewhere along the way we've experienced the feeling of being lost and not knowing what to do and where to go but the 1st reading today gives us renewed hope in the God who is the Good Shepherd. Amen. Hallelujah! Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 Thus says the Lord GOD: I myself will look after and tend my sheep 12 As a shepherd tends his flock when he finds himself among his scattered sheep, so will I tend my sheep. ...I myself will pasture my sheep; I myself will give them rest, says the Lord GOD. 16 The lost I will seek...


 With great power comes great responsibility. This is the moral lesson of the story of King Antiochus in today's 1st reading. Each one of us are all given a task/ mission or purpose to achieve in life. We must take special care in carrying this out in our lives. We are responsible for our actions and must own every single one of it. Let us not be deceived by the notion that we can get away with what we have done. We have to be careful in the conduct of our affairs so that we do not end up overtaken by the evils we have done, in fear and sorrow but rather find ourselves loved and forgiven. Amen. Hallelujah! 1 Maccabees 6:1-13 ...When the king heard this news, he was struck with fear and very much shaken. Sick with grief because his designs had failed, he took to his bed. 9 There he remained many days, overwhelmed with sorrow, for he knew he was going to die. 10 So he called in all his Friends and said to them: “Sleep has departed from  my eyes, for my heart is sinking with anxi...