God rewards those who are holy. Stories about saints whose bodies are not subject to corruption after their death, is not new to us. Today's 1st reading is proof of this reality. The more we strive to know more about Jesus the greater our awe and amazement of the things we discover about Him. There are moments in our lives when we encounter and witness events that make us utterly amazed at how things ever came to be. Given the circumstances we have, we can sometimes predict or project the outcome of the things ahead of us or in the near future. Although sometimes things do not happen as expected because we are not capable of seeing the exact future we can only hope in God who does. Today’s 1 st reading mentions the prophecy of David which is taken from today’s psalm reading. The time gap between these scriptural readings is almost 1000 years. No matter how long and far apart they are, God could still make things fall into perfect place. Heaven and earth will fail but...