
Showing posts from April, 2024


     There are certain issues in our faith that we need to clarify and be confident of. We need to face them and clear things up rather than remain unsure about it. When we encounter people who are not well informed about these things we need to do all in our power to correct them and guide them to the truth. If we ourselves are not clear about it how can we guide them? In our Catholicism study it was mentioned by Atty. Jess Moya, the speaker that we should always be guided by the core teachings of the Catholic Church and should never stray away from it. We should stick to this and really believe in the Church since it was Peter who was appointed by Jesus as the head of the church and the Pope as his successor. In the light of this we should always consult the Church about matters concerning our faith. Just like the apostles in today’s 1st reading we have a responsibility in our hands that we must not take for granted because it concerns not just them but all of us. When ...


     I know that God knows best, no matter what our situation is, we should have this persevering faith in God. We need to develop this positive attitude towards the hardships and difficulties that we encounter knowing that they serve as a passport to enter the  Kingdom  of  God . Just thinking of what Paul and the Apostles had to go through in order to spread the Good News should make us realize how blessed we are at this present time when we can fully enjoy the fruits of their labor. We are being fed by the word of God on a silver platter. We need not fear for our lives in the same way that the Apostles experienced as they exercised their faith in God. There were many obstacles and hindrances during their time and yet they were able to carry out their mission and task which still live to this present day. Amen. Hallelujah! Acts 14:19-28 ...They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead. 20 But when the disciples gathered arou...


   There are times when we just have to run away from people who hurt us because we have a greater purpose than entertain those people who continue to bring us down. We have to stay away from people who are toxic to us. Or it could also be a circumstance or situation that pulls us away from our Christ centered goal. We may have encountered such moments even when we are praying when bad thoughts suddenly pop up from nowhere. We have to immediately dispel it so as not to be out of focus. Today's 1st reading could help jolt us back to reality. We have to realize that there are times when we get sidetracked and tend to be led astray by the influences and pressures of this world we live in. Or we get lured and enticed by the tempting things that the world offers. God is indeed in our midst every single moment and never ceases in reminding and keeping us within the security of His embrace. Amen. Hallelujah! Acts 14:5-18 ...“Men, why are you doing this? We are of the same nature as y...


  There are certain issues in our faith that we need to clarify and be confident of. We need to face them and clear things up rather than remain unsure about it. When we encounter people who are not well informed about these things we need to do all in our power to correct them and guide them to the truth. If we ourselves are not clear about it how can we guide them? Just like Barnabas in today’s 1st reading we have a responsibility in our hands that we must not take for granted because it concerns not just them but all of us. When everything has been said and done then we can be ready to face our God anytime. Amen. Hallelujah! Acts 9:26-31 When Saul arrived in  Jerusalem  he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple. Then Barnabas took charge of him and brought him to the apostles, and he reported to them how he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken out boldly in the na...


   It doesn't mean that if we are friends of Christ we are totally free from life's difficulties and trials. There are still times when we are tensed and our hearts are troubled. We still worry, become anxious and afraid because we live in this reality. We should accept the fact, that just like Paul and Barnabas in today's 1st reading, who worked hard to spread the Good News they were still susceptible to the violence of this world. We can strive to avoid suffering but there is nothing we can do to eliminate it altogether. We can not prevent events that cause this. We still have trouble in our hearts. No one is capable of doing this only God who became man and entered this world.    But let us not forget that even Jesus, the Son of God, who is true God and true Man was greatly distressed and troubled at the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42-44) He prayed to God, "Father if Thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not My will but Thine be done." When we ...


     The promise of God will always press on to fulfillment. We are God's child. This is a reality that we should be aware of at all times. This truth allows us to build within our souls a refuge that no storm or tribulation could ever disturb. It serves as a room into which we can be alone with God and find peace as we maintain communication and a life of prayer. Sometimes we tend to forget this life giving truth that we are God's child. He would never will anything bad to happen to us. We pray daily and go through the routine and rituals of our Christian life. But as soon as it is over, we go out to the world and confront the daily anxieties and chaos around us we immediately find ourselves throwing God out of the window. There should be this constant place within us that we could find serenity deep in our hearts and experience the peace that comes from the Lord even when we go through pain and suffering. In times of grief it is indeed consoling that we make ourselves a...


   Today’s readings bring back memories of all sorts. My son, Jude when he was still a few months old and he sees me coming home from work he would giggle and start to raise his hand as a gesture that he wanted to be carried. I was always full of joy whenever I see him do that. These kinds of emotions impressed to me that God our Father feels even more strongly for us. Let us think of ourselves kneeling before Him absorbed in prayer that cultivate in us a surge of strong emotion the kind that suddenly envelops us whenever we are on the verge of shedding tears of joy. This we can feel if we imagine God right before us, looking at us so eagerly and excited to give us a kiss and wrap us in His arms like an eager parent is for a beloved child. While this is the case for Jude it is not so for Allan. It made me think why my 2nd and youngest son, Allan did not cling to me as much as Jude did when he was his age. I realized that when I was still pregnant with Allan, Jude who was barel...


    Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. It's a good thing we have a Good Shepherd in the Lord Jesus who never fails. If He is our Shepherd then that is very consoling. If we look closely around us we can still find good shepherds among us who continue the work of God tirelessly. There is no indication that the hired hand is a bad shepherd. Not all the money in the world could compel a man to give his life for the sheep. Our Lord tells us that He is the Good Shepherd willing to lay down His life for the sheep. Remember the Good Shepherd knew each sheep by name. He loves the sheep and would die for the sheep. When our Lord went to  Calvary  he was going away beyond the call of duty.    No one could compel or coerce any man to give his life for others. But our Lord made it clear that no one was taking away His life away from Him freely He was laying it down as a sacrifice of love to the Father for you and for me. I wonder if we in our lives ha...