There are certain issues in our faith that we need to clarify and be confident of. We need to face them and clear things up rather than remain unsure about it. When we encounter people who are not well informed about these things we need to do all in our power to correct them and guide them to the truth. If we ourselves are not clear about it how can we guide them? In our Catholicism study it was mentioned by Atty. Jess Moya, the speaker that we should always be guided by the core teachings of the Catholic Church and should never stray away from it. We should stick to this and really believe in the Church since it was Peter who was appointed by Jesus as the head of the church and the Pope as his successor. In the light of this we should always consult the Church about matters concerning our faith. Just like the apostles in today’s 1st reading we have a responsibility in our hands that we must not take for granted because it concerns not just them but all of us. When ...