We will feel energized as an effect of praying first thing in the morning. It means that if we put God first in our lives then we are like light bulbs tapped to the power source, we will neither dim nor lose our shine. He is the mitochondria that drives each one of us, the power house that sustains every living cell in our bodies and gives us strength and stamina. When I was just new in the renewal, that was 20 years ago, I came across this bible passage in today's 1st reading in the LSS (Life in the Spirit Seminar) I attended and my life has always been guided by it. I should say this is one of my favorite bible passages because I can not easily remember the exact bible book, chapter and verse of my favorite passages but this one I always do. I always find myself quoting and advising this to people I encounter. In those years that have passed, I can attest to the efficacy of this advice. In Phil 2:12 Paul also encouraged us to work out our salvation with fear and tremblin...