
Showing posts from November, 2024


   We may have known a lot of things already about the Lord God but the limited capacity of our mind or brain to hold and process this information is only able to do this much. We need to totally surrender our will, mind and memory, all for the greater glory of God. Only then can we acquire knowledge which unfolds before us every step of the way. It reminded me of a time when for quite sometime we had been planning to go on a trip but just couldn't get our number right. At first there were 5 of us then it appeared that 2 people would be joining us but it didn't work out then we were back to 5 but one of us backed out and then we were only 4. A few days after, the 4th person begged off and requested for another date. After so much talking and deliberation we finally got our number right or so we thought.Before we could finalize there had been some developments and what was planned ahead of time was still subject to change. This incident made me think of the song, " I...


When we make decisions we should be ready for its pros and cons. Even though things sometimes lean on the cons as it may always seem, we should not lose our confidence. This is based on the assurance that God has our best interest in mind. If we know that everything we did before and after such decisions have been consulted to God in prayer and asked for consent then we should remain steadfast. Whatever may be the outcome, we must freely and firmly stand by all our decisions based on our faith in God that He will always work for the good.   My husband Phil was hospitalized and was eventually discharged to a skilled nursing facility (SNF). At first we were so hesitant to follow doctor's orders to go to a SNF but after careful consideration and prayers we both decided to follow. Now, Phil is feeling better and back to home, looking back I could never deny the fact that God guided us to the right decision and best course of action.   This event became more significant for me...


   Today's 1st reading is about a widow and reminded me time and time again of my nanay's (mother) strong faith in God when she was still living. My brothers and I were still very young when my mother was widowed. We were aged 3,2, and 1. We were such a pitiful sight then when we lost our father in a very sudden and unexpected way but my mother weathered through it all for she had always believed and held on to God's promise. The story of Elijah in today's 1st reading arouses a certain sense of confidence and trust in a Supreme Being who has everything under control. If we are to read a few verses before today’s 1 st  reading we will find that at first Elijah was asked to hide beside a brook and when it ran dry he was instructed to stay with this widow in Zarephath. If we try to examine our own life experiences we'll find that we do not differ that much from Elijah in the sense that we too are undeniably led and guided by the Lord. The only difference lies in the fa...


    Why is it that nothing seems to be perfect in this world? There are times when just as we are about to achieve something really close to it suddenly something happens and without even knowing it the picture perfect scenario changes into a not so pleasant one or worst into something we never ever wanted to happen. In everything there is always a reason and we can't help encounter such things because we live in an imperfect world but we can always hope in Jesus our Lord and Savior who will make all things perfect in His time. We are indeed God's priority! He surely looks after all our cares and concerns. I am reminded of the time when Sis Em invited me to attend the AFCCPC (Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities) North Pacific Regional Conference in  Stockton ,  CA . I immediately agreed to it but when I realized that there are a lot of expenses that go with it, my enthusiasm died down and decided that I can postpone my taking part in these ac...


   What hold our attention and interest range from a variety of people, places and things and we express them by engaging in various ways and means. Some are hooked in business, sports, entertainment, romance, travel, food, fashion, current events, issues with nature, outer space and all other things we can think about that we can consider profitable, enjoyable, fun and worthwhile to do. We had our moments and stages wherein we’ve been there and done that. Coming from this point of view, we eventually realize whether now, soon or later that ultimately we must acknowledge the fact that if there’s one thing that should hold not just    our attention and interest but our constant admiration is the truth that is stated in today’s 1st reading because it has definitely got it all. It is reminding us of the things God has to go through just to show His great love. It sounds impossible when we hear about this kind of love that God is sharing to each one of us. This should gi...


  Although some people may find it hard to believe but we must realize that our devotion to God must not depend on our situations. We should be able to maintain peace and serenity despite of the things we are experiencing right now. No amount of wealth, fame and power can give joy in our hearts if we are not confident in knowing that every single step of the way, God is guiding and directing us. Most of all, though it may look foolish to some, we should be able to derive lessons from everything that we've been through and come up with this truth that there is nothing else we can do best but to totally surrender our will to Him by being obedient to God at all cost. For we are dear children of God and whatever is happening right now will come to pass and become beautiful in His time. Sometimes we have something else in mind to do but it does not materialize. It looks like the plans we have in mind do not happen as we expected. There are times when the same thing happens with our...


  The commandments are not given to us to limit our freedom but in fact it is the formula for a truly happy life and enhances our freedom even more. Imagine someone driving in the freeway and the kind of scenario if there are no rules and regulations to be followed. There would be a lot of chaos. Can we imagine leaving our children in a day care with a playground without any fences? These are the words of our Apologetics teacher who shared to us the guidelines to a truly happy life. These rules help us enjoy life and have more peace and joy. God's commandments can be outlined as principles of moral life (CCC 2033: The Magisterium of the Pastors of the Church in moral matters is ordinarily exercised in catechesis and preaching, with the help of the works of theologians and spiritual authors. Thus from generation to generation, under the aegis and vigilance of the pastors, the "deposit" of Christian moral teaching has been handed on, a deposit composed of a characteristic b...