Father Abraham has indeed set a good example of faith for us all to follow. It was evidenced by his willingness to go forth even without knowing where he was to go, remaining faithful in a God who is trustworthy and being rewarded with Isaac as a symbol. When we were young we just follow where our parents lead us. We ought to be like little children with hands clasped by our loving parents trusting that they will not lead us to a place of danger. This should be our attitude towards God knowing that He will not allow us to go through something without seeing us through it. Just like Abraham in today's 1st reading when he went out not knowing where he was to go but by faith he sojourned. This reminds me of Father Benedict’s homily about Isaac. He said that Isaac was very unsuspecting and very trusting. He was already being led by his own father, Abraham to his death but he still asked in the most innocent way in Genesis 22:7-8, Isaac spoke to his father Abraham. “Father!...