Life is never easy and fair at times. If we go through trials and hardships and sometimes lose heart when confronted by our doubting and questioning minds then we should always stand firm in our principles and convictions anchored in Jesus. No matter how difficult it may seem we must not lose sight of what kind of suffering Jesus had to go through and all our problems will fade in the background. Nothing we do in our entire lifetime will ever seem fit for a God who is perfect in countless ways and will always fall short of His glory. We just have to be thankful that God never gives up on anyone of us for He looks not on our sins but on our faithfulness. We always have a choice to improve, move forward and not lag behind. After all the years and experiences God is continuously at work in us and will always look forward to that day when we will come to be with Him, perfected through Jesus and united with Him in His wonderful kingdom in heaven. We should always have the attitude of humble acceptance and complete surrender clinging only to God and not on any person, thing, situation or possession in life. These experiences will all amount to something great in the end. Which reminds me of the story of a silversmith (narrated by Fr. Joseph Magdaong) who purifies silver by allowing it to sit on the fire at its extreme heat (blue flame) until it finally comes out pure. The silversmith knows that the work is done once the silver starts to reflect the image of the silversmith/refiner. Just in case we do not know, there is also a danger that if a silversmith has exceeded the refining process it will totally ruin the silver that's why a good silversmith keeps an eye on the silver 100% of the time during the refining process. Allow this to sink in to our souls for in time we will all come to know that we are in truth blessed and full of grace whenever we are subjected to this kind of situation knowing that we have a perfect and good silversmith who keeps a close eye on us and never leave us. In whatever we are going through right now, let us believe and trust that we are in the steady hands of the Expert who will never miss nor fail. God always work with perfection. We can always be assured that if we allow ourselves to go through the Refiner's fire then we will surely come out perfect. God is always precise in His moves and can never go wrong. Amen. Hallelujah!
Malachi 3:1-4
...For he is like the refiner’s fire, or like the fuller’s lye. 3 He will sit refining and purifying [silver], and he will purify the sons of Levi, refining them like gold or like silver that they may offer due sacrifice to the LORD.
We can't claim to be this kind of person, a Christian but conduct ourselves in a very unlikely way. Let us no longer be deceived by the false and misleading truths and principles that this world presents to us every single day. We have to be grounded at all times on this truth that today's psalm is telling us. There was a time when Tita Neds complained that something is wrong with the television. She said that somebody fixed it already but it didn't stay fixed for long. It wasn't the manufacturer who repaired it that was why. If it was brought to its manufacturer they would definitely know what to do with it. We've got to be conscious of this reality and apply it to ourselves. When something goes wrong we should know where to go, to whom we really belong, the Lord. This is the covenant: we belong to the Lord and He belongs to us for we are His people and He is our God. If we look at what's happening in the world today most especially the economic crisis wherein even the leading nations are being challenged by the present situation then we are really bound to anticipate the worst. Not even those people who used to be very confident of their present jobs in their respective stable companies can be too sure of what's going to happen next. There have been so much speculations of what will be the outcome of this worldwide problem of the economy and most of them are not good. With all these rubble, there is just really one thing we need to focus on and that is God. It is not easy to live life in this world but we can rejoice and be glad, we have an army, a battalion, a full house of saints with all the angels constantly and endlessly praying and singing in heaven, the so called triumphant Church/army of God, who intercede in our behalf and is joyously inviting us to be one of them. We are being reminded by the readings today to always keep ourselves blameless before the Lord no matter how tough things are. God wants to be with us, there is no doubt about that. But just like water and oil which can not be put together and mixed so is God and man if we are in sin or harbor anything that can not be attributed to the holiness of God. We can not force two different things to go together. Water is a polar molecule and oil is non polar. They do not mix because they are two different substances as in the adage, "Like dissolves like." God can not change. He is already who He is, Holy in all His ways. We can change. We can be like God in His holiness and goodness if we want to be with Him forever. Let us not lose sight of what a mighty God we serve who made the heavens and the earth. We pray to God to open our eyes that we may see the wonders of His love. We should think profoundly of our daily walk with the Lord which consists of not only a leisure stroll in the plains and valleys of life but a steep climb up to the top of the mountain. We must avail of the sacrament of reconciliation. It gives us renewed strength and hope. Our life consists of steep and dangerous climbs but we must not forget that God is always at our side. If we are to carefully assess our life we would find that it feels good whenever we are able to overcome most of our pitfalls though there are some that still needs improvement. We must praise and thank God that every time we experience a fall back and backslide we can immediately go back to Him through the sacrament of confession which restores us to our original path and right track. It is God's desire that we will someday come face to face with Him. There is a need for us to prepare for that day. We are sometimes guilty of not focusing on God's countenance alone, there are times when we get distracted by other things and today's psalm reading serves as the reminder. I heard a story about God's radiating and blinding light that when we stand before Him nothing is hidden from Him, He will never turn away from us but if we ourselves are tainted with the guilt of our sins then we can not withstand His presence and will definitely hide and ran away from Him, far from His ever blinding Light that penetrates us. Let us all hope that when that day comes we can stand in His Holy Presence and claim with confidence our rightful place in His Kingdom. For our information, all of us are eligible to be in heaven with God. There is no doubt about this since we have been made and washed clean by the Blood of the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. A virgin is with child. The Old Testament scriptures have foretold of this and point to the coming of Christ. The prophets preannounced and prefigured His coming and pointed to the fulfillment in Jesus in the New Testament. He has loved us first and continues to do so. He encounters us ever anew in the sacraments especially in the Eucharist. The Church helps us to respond to God’s initiative through word and teaching and the gathering of believers who respond faithfully. We have to be firm, resilient and faithful people of God. We’ve got to really focus on what is truly important and essential. We live in a world where there are so many distractions that we tend to lose sight of what should be our greatest and most important concern. After all has been said and done we will find in the end that what truly matters is not what will last only in this lifetime but for all eternity, a reward from God our Savior. When somebody invites us for a party we just don't go there without preparing ourselves for it. Much more gatecrash and just go to a party without an invitation. We are blessed that God has invited us. The best we could do being privileged, honored and counted to come to His banquet in heaven is to make preparations and always be ready to take part in it, really belong and not end up an outcast. We should not lose sight of this standing invitation that God gives us in our daily life. There is indeed a need to always be prepared so that when the final moment comes we can reside in the heavenly abode of God. In every game there is a rule to follow and only those who play it fair and square can finish to the end and win their prize. Today’s psalm gives us a guideline to follow in order to make it through. We should always long to see the face of God at all times in every person, event and circumstance in our lives. Let us always hold on to this image so that someday when we finally come face to face with God we will receive a blessing and reward for He will surely bring about what He said He would do. In the course of the time and in the history of mankind we hear of people like Abraham chosen by God. The chosen people were given laws and ordinances to follow. The remnants of the chosen people or those who were faithful to God in keeping these commandments like Simeon and Anna, Joachim and Anne are those who belong to the Hebrew generation, kept the Jewish tradition and prepared the way for the coming of the Messiah. This initiation of God in loving us first should bring us to act and make love blossom as a response on our part. We've got to be aware that the no one but the Lord is the King of glory. Amen. Hallelujah!
Psalm 24:7, 8, 9, 10
R: Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!
7 Lift up, O gates, your lintels; reach up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may come in! (R) 8 Who is this king of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle.
One thing I can never forget with my friend Bernadeth when she was in an unwell state was when she confided to me about how she really feels about people trying to be of help, nice and consoling by saying to her, "I understand how you feel." She said that she doesn't believe them when they say it. According to her, they don't really know how she feels unless they themselves undergo the same thing that she went through in which she said that some people have really no idea. In fact, she said it with so much stress I almost started to doubt the credibility of this principle relating to Patient Care that I learned way back in NursingSchool. One of the exercises we usually do in Psychiatric Nursing is to identify which of the following communication patterns that frequently or commonly takes place in a Nurse-Patient environment is therapeutic or not. This, "I understand how you feel." statement has been declared as an effective tool for therapeutic communication since it shows empathy. In fact it has become a common by word that everybody has gotten used to saying it all the time even outside our clinical rotations. Though, Bernadeth may be an exemption to this rule, I can now very well understand what she meant back then most especially with today's 1st reading. Jesus went through the ultimate suffering and could surely be very well in the position to say that statement. I got this horrible thought of a person fleeing from fire but got trapped in a bathroom and sought relief from the heat by opening the showers but ended up even more scorched due to the hot water that came out of it. I just shivered at the thought of somebody dying this way. Just imagine if we are trapped in a place like a fiery furnace and we have nowhere to escape. It gives us consolation that we have a God whom we can always run to even at the point of death since Jesus knows exactly what we had been and have been going through because He had been through the worst even death. God became man. What a great privilege that our God came down from the Most High and Heavenly place to live and be among us. We have on our side the strongest force there is in heaven and in earth. He can win all our battles and we are in a sure win, no lose situation with God We just have to pray and trust that God who stooped down to our level is always here for us. We sometimes miss the point and go through life without realizing that the meaning of our existence is all about communion with God. We are so caught up in our lives and forget that there is a need to be still and know that He is God with the big G. We should strive for a life of prayer and contemplation and experience mutual presence. Think of our closest friends when we relate things in our life to them. We develop an intimate sharing that binds our relationship. When we share in God's life and we share to Him our own then God draws near to us. There is mutual presence of two who are in love and be intimate. We sometimes experience dryness or longing that makes us feel like God has abandoned us. We thirst for God like a deer yearning for the streams. We long to be at home with the Lord. They are parts of the gift that God is giving to us in order for us to draw near to Him. It is not for us to understand everything right now. Everything will be made clear for us in heaven. Amen. Hallelujah!

Hebrews 2:14-18
...he had to become like his brothers in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.
Today’s gospel is about the presentation of Jesus in the temple in obedience to the Mosaic law of Joseph and Mary. There is a wide variety of aspects to contemplate upon. In Israel at that time, women had to wait 40 days before the presentation of the child she has given birth. They understand that when a woman bears a child they are in the realm that belongs specifically to God. The birth of a child is something that depends on God giving life and there is a great sacredness in the process of giving birth to a child and they are set apart. This ritual needs to be completed before entering the life of community. We can not often understand the OT teachings. At this time a woman is considered unclean although not necessarily sinful since it could also mean something sacred. We could look at it in a way they see the scriptures since they are considered very sacred. In the synagogue everyone is forbidden to actually touch a scroll with their finger so they have a stick to point at the scripture. It is very sacred and if you touch it you become unclean. The idea is that it is so sacred and considered a power that belongs to the realm of God. If you are rendered unclean then one has to go in a ritual bath. This is why Jewish women have to go into a ritual bath after 40 days because they entered into the realm of God when they give birth to a child. It works in a way that it is also at the time when the body after birth is completely healed. All these things work hand in hand with each other as the mystery of God unfolds in our very own lives. The characters of Simeon and Anna are inevitably drawn into this event of Jesus' life. They serve as models of faith and hope for the people of God. There is no doubt that God is with us but are we with or for God. In any good relationship we know that it should be a 2-way or mutual thing. One can not govern over or not respond to the other. If we aim to develop an intimate relationship with God then we need to work on it. We can also learn from Anna the prophetess. It was said that “she was constantly in the temple, worshiping day and night in fasting and prayer.” Her devotion to the Lord paid well. We sometimes go through life like a routine and we do things automatically without much thought. There are times when we just let things and circumstances pass us by without noticing any difference. Anna did not fall for this kind of trap or complacency. She immediately knew and felt the Lord's presence. There may be thousands of babies being presented in the temple during that time but she spotted the Lord. This could not have been possible if not for her prayerful and discerning attitude. Just like her, may we be sensitive always to God's presence in our midst and be endowed with discernment. This is what happens when we decide to always draw near to God. He will surely not just draw nearer but nearest to us. God does not just match or double our works and efforts but maximizes to the superlative. We’ll never find ourselves in the losing end but always in a winning situation with the Lord. When God stooped down to our level and disrobed his kingship for our sake He knew from the start what He is headed, for He is All knowing. But some still contradicts God despite everything He has done for us. And this is all because of His great love for us. Jesus is an obedient and loving Son as He is a symbol of perfection. That even His own mother was not spared of the hurt and pain is way too much for Him. From every beginning to the end of it all, there should only be one truth that guides us to the ultimate, unsurpassed and unending power of God which has long been revealed throughout the ages. Jesus came to save us. This is a very powerful statement that not every one of us can grasp its true meaning. There's this story of a man who heard a banging on the windows one winter night and saw the freezing sparrows who were trying to get in. The man tried to save them by shooing them away towards the barn where they could have shelter. Every time he tried to come near them he scares them and they fly away. He realized that he can not save them because they can not understand him. The only way to save them is to become small like them and lead them to where they should go. Unless he becomes one of them there is no way he can save them. This is what God did in order to save us. Jesus manifested God’s love. He became a model for us to follow. This is all because He wanted to give us a participation in His Divine Life. Mass is a perfect worship to God who is perfect. During mass we offer Jesus, the perfect sacrifice to God who lived in humble obscurity laid down His life in death, obeyed perfectly and won life for us, the Church. Death is a part of life and we ought to prepare for it. Not in the morbid kind of way but by giving and surrendering all in union with Jesus. Simeon and Anna were both righteous, devoted to God and prayerful. They were gifted by God with prophetic revelations. We, too are gifted with the Holy Spirit but there is a need to unleash the power in us. We can start by striving to follow the good example of the holy men and women who came before us and faithfully and diligently wait on the Lord. It is an opportunity just like Simeon and Anna in today’s gospel to say our yes to the Father as Jesus did. We are reminded that even Jesus followed what was written in the law. We are reminded to conduct our affairs of this world in accordance to the law and live a life that is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. We ask the intercession of the Blessed Mother whose heart was pierced by a sword, may we be always covered by her blue mantle of protection. Amen. Hallelujah!
Luke 2:22-40
...“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation, 31 which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.”...“Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted 35 — and you yourself a sword will pierce — so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”
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