We are always reminded of God's greatness and power all throughout. Let us not doubt this every single minute and remove the veil that clouds this vision. In today's first reading we have the opportunity to be told of how God can will for anything to happen.

If we are to read carefully, word for word and take seriously what is stated in today's 1st reading then we should realize that we are the most priced and valued of all of God's creation. We have been placed on a pedestal, considered beloved and His by the Lord. Nothing else could be worth more than this and this is who we are before the Lord. Amen. Hallelujah!

Wisdom 11:22-12:2 love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made; for what you hated, you would not have fashioned. 25 And how could a thing remain, unless you willed it; or be preserved, had it not been called forth by you? 26 But you spare all things, because they are yours, O LORD and lover of souls, 12: 1 for your imperishable spirit is in all things! 2 Therefore you rebuke offenders little by little, warn them, and remind them of the sins they are committing, that they may abandon their wickedness and believe in you, O LORD!

There is really none like our God. We can have all the things that this world can offer but in the end we will still be wanting and not satisfied if we do not have God in the center of our life. The Lord has always been faithful and not a single moment would He ever not be. We should have the confidence always of a beloved child of God and the honor of being on top of God's creation. The Lord is always ready to extend His help and shower His blessings on us, His people. The question is, are we willing to accept His help and stay within the circle of His blessings? This question is very critical and sometimes left unanswered, neglected and taken for granted. When we choose to continue in the path that does not lead us closer to God the answer is clear, it is a no. When we direct our actions in things that draw us closer to God then it is a yes. If this is so true for us then we ought to do as the psalm reading today tells us. All our thoughts, words and actions should reflect how great our God is. As humans we tend to downplay God's role in our life because we subject our experiences to human terms and conditions. We are still bound by the limitations of this world we are in and we can't help it. We sometimes just go with the flow and get carried away by the pressures imposed to us by our present and existing situations. Our study of World History tells us of the different and various kinds of kingdoms and dynasties which ruled throughout the length of time. None of the most famous and powerful of these kingdoms still stand today and remain as influential to the entire world as it used to be. This tells us one thing that earthly kingdoms will eventually cease to exist. Only God's Kingdom prevails for eternity. Sometimes we might even have to come to a point when we look and sound strange  for others or even suffer the ridicule of not just others but the very people who comprise our circle of close family, relatives and friends. What matters most is that we ought to give God what He rightly deserves, to be extolled and praised forever. Today's psalm tells us that we owe God more than just plain courtesy for His goodness. Whenever we watch box office hit super hero movies, news about it spread like wildfire and the promotion for it is international that almost everybody around the globe gets to know about it and watch it. If only we can devote that same fervor and enthusiasm in spreading word about the greatest Super Hero of all times, Jesus and make a decision to watch His life unfold and be part of our own, then we can someday be a part of God's great Kingdom in Heaven. If we truly desire this then we should always be mindful of the words of God written in the bible since it is indeed what its acronym stands for which is B - basic I-instructions B-before L-leaving E-earth. It is very important that we have read and understood well what is written in the bible before we exit this world. This reminds me of the video games that my sons used to play. When they finish one level they have to enter into the next level which is more difficult and so on and so forth until they reach the ultimate task and win the final battle. It was like they needed to be well prepared and more skillful for each level. This somehow reminds us of how we should approach our final day here on earth. The gate of heaven has been opened and made accessible for us, there is no question about it but the question is, "Are we ready and able to go through it?" As in Eph. 6:13, "Therefore, put on the armor of God,  that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground." Another thing is we have no idea when will that day come because we really do not know the time or the hour. One thing for sure, the only way to go through it is by being well prepared for it. Thus I wanted to share this story which I got from an email.

Once upon a time there was a rich King who had four wives.

He loved the 4th wife the most and adored her with rich robes and treated her to the finest of delicacies. He gave her nothing but the best.
He also loved the 3rd wife very much and was always showing her off to neighboring kingdoms. However, he feared that one day she would leave him for another.

He also loved his 2nd wife. She was his confidant and was always kind, considerate and patient with him. Whenever the King faced a problem, he could confide in her, and she would help him get through the difficult times.

The King's 1st wife was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and kingdom. However, he did not love the first wife. Although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her!

One day, the King fell ill and he knew his time was short. He thought of his luxurious life and wondered, I now have four wives with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone.'

Thus, he asked the 4th wife , 'I loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?'
'No way!', replied the 4th wife, and she walked away without another word.
Her answer cut like a sharp knife right into his heart.

The sad King then asked the 3rd wife, 'I loved you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?'
'No!', replied the 3rd wife. 'Life is too good! When you die, I'm going to remarry!'
His heart sank and turned cold.

He then asked the 2nd wife, 'I have always turned to you for help and you've always been there for me.
When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?'
'I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!', replied the 2nd wife. 'At the very most, I can only walk with you to your grave.'

Her answer struck him like a bolt of lightning, and the King was devastated.

Then a voice called out: 'I'll go with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go.'
The King looked up, and there was his first wife. She was very skinny as she suffered from malnutrition and neglect.

Greatly grieved, the King said, 'I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!'

In truth, we all have the 4 wives in our lives:

Our 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it will leave us when we die.

Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, it will all go to others.

Our 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how much they have been there for us, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.

And our 1st wife is our Soul. Often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the world.

However, our Soul is the only thing that will follow us wherever we go. Cultivate, strengthen and cherish it now, for it is the only part of us that will follow us to the throne of God and continue with us throughout Eternity. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14
R: I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God
...The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness. 9 The LORD is good to all and compassionate toward all his works... 10 Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD, and let your faithful ones bless you. 11 Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might. (R) 12 Making known to men your might and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. 13 Your kingdom is a kingdom for all ages, and your dominion endures through all generations. The LORD lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down.

There are so many things that tend to pull us away from the loving presence of God. We may have experienced some terrifying things in our lifetime. The good news here is that we have the power to stay in his presence or not. It is just a matter of will. When we allow ourselves to be distracted and shaken out of our minds then we succumb to the trickery and trap of this world and the enemy. We become distracted and out of focus of what should clearly be our main objective. When this happens, our will take us to a different direction instead of head toward where we are supposed to be. If there's a will there's a way. Our will should take us to the right way and we can conquer all through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah!

2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2
11 Brothers and sisters: We always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith, 12 that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, in accord with the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. 2: 1 We ask you, brothers and sisters, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling with him, 2 not to be shaken out of your minds suddenly, or to be alarmed either by a “spirit,” or by an oral statement, or by a letter allegedly from us to the effect that the day of the Lord is at hand.

It is remarkable how Zacchaeus in today's gospel was willing to give up half of his possessions and repay 4x those he had extorted money from. This is a total change of heart. He is a perfect example of a person who has heard the knocking of Jesus in his heart and responded to it. Or he could also be described as the person that was lost and found. We are all being sought by Jesus in whatever situation we are in right now. It is up to us to follow the example of Zacchaeus who did not hold back but totally surrendered when found. Not all of us although have been definitely sought after and found by God would do the same thing that he did. To acknowledge God is one thing but to give up basically everything that he used to hold most dear, treasured and valued in his life is another thing. Only those who have discovered who God really is and what He is worth can do such a thing and make this truly wise exchange. One way or another there will come a time in our lives when we have to decide to go down from wherever place we are right now. In doing so we might have to let go of our personal agenda and strip ourselves of our sinfulness, accept our wrongdoings, repair the damage we've done and stand with all humility before the Lord the way Zacchaeus did in today's gospel. We’ve got to be a risk taker like Zacchaeus. He took a great risk of appearing foolish before other people when he climbed on a tree just to get a glimpse of Jesus and what did he get. He did not just get a glimpse but Jesus went into his home and dined with him. He did not stop there, when Jesus finally went into his home he offered to give up half of his possessions to the poor and repay four times those he had extorted money from. We are headed to a much greater blessing if we will learn to take great risks in the name of our faith in God. We can never outdo or out give God in His generosity. It is time we let go of our narrow mindsets and boxed up notions of what a true blessing is. It is about time we realize that God alone can make us whole. We should not hold back as we open ourselves up to God’s work and saving power as He seeks and restores us to Himself. Time and again, Zacchaeus has always been part of the daily gospel readings in the Church. You know why? We are no different from Zacchaeus, because just like him we are sinners and unworthy but God in His infinite kindness and mercy singled him out among the crowd and called him specifically by his name. I am sure God is calling each one of us by name. And just like Zacchaeus may we also respond to him in a personal way and hear the same announcement from Jesus," Today salvation has come to this house." Amen. How can we not be full of hope and confidence in Him? God will never stop at anything just to carry out the plan He has for all of us and be victorious in Him. Amen. Hallelujah!

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 19,1-10.

...When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house." And he came down quickly and received him with joy. When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying, "He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner." But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, "Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over." And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost."


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