There is really nothing to be worried about. All we have to do is follow the path that God is showing us. This reflection sharing from Didache is an example of one of those scenarios when we are torn between 2 decisions. We are often faced with such dilemmas in life that we have to really come up with a wise and sound decision. Whether it is based on the standard of the world or of the Lord is something that we should set for ourselves. Here's the story: HER WORD, HER BOND

She was praying for a job. The Lord granted her two options.
After much discernment and waiting, she went with the first offer, the one that replied sooner. She knew the other school would’ve probably given her a higher salary, but she was at peace with this decision. So she signed up with them.
One week later, the other school called her, offering twice the salary she would be getting from the one she had just signed up with. She didn’t expect it to be that big a difference!
She could’ve backed out. It had only been a week and the start of the school year was still far off. No damage would have been done. Except she would’ve gone back on the agreement. Besides, they needed the money. She was starting a family. Others may have encouraged her to take the larger offer.
But she decided to keep her word. She knew it was more important than anything else. Now, she’s happier than ever. Blessed beyond comprehension.
God is faithful to His Word. When we are, too, we open ourselves to His unlimited blessings. George Tolentino Gabriel (
How much value do I put on keeping my word?
 Lord, help me to be reliable as You are.

Times are hard and we can't blame some people who would make decisions based on the salary but she didn't rely on it but rather relied on the big difference of knowing how to honor one's word. Amen. Hallelujah!

Revelation 22:1-7
...An angel showed me the river of life-giving water, sparkling like crystal...On either side of the river grew the tree of life that produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month; the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations. 3 Nothing accursed will be found there anymore...“These words are trustworthy and true,...

Today's psalm reading is used as a preparatory psalm in the Liturgy of the Hours just as it was used in the Old Testament. Each time we hear it, there is an emphasis to the fact that is just the same as it is proclaimed today. During the time of Moses there had been an incident of great rebellion and testing on the part of the chosen people of God. The same message is being said to us because there is a possibility that we also harden our hearts today. Massah means rebellion and Meribah means testing. It refers to the time they rebel when they had no water. Moses struck the stone in the desert and water came out. We can read in Numbers 13 when Moses sent out spies to check out the promise land and when they returned in Numbers 14 they were full of discouragement. They came back and reported that the Land of Canaan is too strong to conquer but Joshua & Caleb, trusted God. They didn’t look at the problems of the walls of the Canaan. But the people believed the spies and concluded that it’s impossible to overcome these barriers. They wanted to choose new leaders and kill Moses & Aaron and go back to slavery in Egypt. Due to their unbelief the whole generation never entered Canaan only the new generation with both Joshua & Caleb did. The goal is to enter into rest in the land of Canaan but they refused because they believed their fears rather than believe what they’ve already seen in God’s miracles in Egypt. Psalm 95 is used so often in the Liturgy of the Hours and encourages us how today we must listen well. They do not just apply to the people in Numbers 13 & 14. It also applies to the Church and we consider ourselves the New Israel. Let God call us to attention. We don’t have to fall back to the same sin of disbelief. No matter how hard the world makes us do so. The Church is beginning to experience persecution. Today we have to keep in mind what God already said in the past especially as we hear the words of His Son today. Jesus Himself gives us a greater authority than the prophets and the angels. When we look at our day, there are a number of strains that we have to alert ourselves.  There are New Age beliefs that everything is God including the forces of nature. It is moving towards the act of depersonalizing God by a vague force. It clouds the truth of God the Father, God the Son & God the Spirit. There is this New Age notion vs. the Christian notion of God. The catch here is the fact that there are no demands upon the faithful to be obedient. A hardened heart is equivalent to disobedience. There is no longer a clear distinction about the truths of the faith. It's just a matter of loving nature and taking care of the environment. No other demands like obeying the 10 commandments. The truth is not existent with the New Age. They water down the Person of Jesus and lead others to disbelieve in Him. Certain scholars deny Him as a historical figure or is believed that He had a wife as depicted in the fictitious Da Vinci Code. These are all things that are far from the authentic gospel. The image of Jesus is being shaped to imitate our worst moments and sins. It makes him appear like He is no better than we are and attack His moral character. It is an act of impunity to God’s character as if He is just a character of fiction. It looks like God is on the dock as C. S. Lewis put it. Instead of us being on trial, God appears to be the one who’s on trial. Let us not fall into this kind of thinking nor continue in our lack of faith or let anything shake our faith. Some dogs are amazing in their ability to show devotion and faithfulness although they do not even measure up to the dignity and standing of human beings they are capable of obeying their master with so much love and respect.  This should make us realize all the more can we do it and a whole lot better than that. We have to make a decision to be with Christ. God is the Good Shepherd. He will not scatter but draw people to holiness, righteousness and goodness. How can we be lost or led astray? There are things we need to do if we want to be under the care of the Good Shepherd, listen to His voice, follow His guiding hand and stay within the circle of the flock He tends. The truth is that we should never have any doubts about our decisions for as long as we know that it is all for the glory of God first and foremost and everything else will follow. We have this faith and confidence in God as in Philippians 4:6-8, "Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." When someone speaks to us we sometimes ignore, refuse to listen, simply pretend that we haven't heard anything or misunderstood what we heard because we are too distracted or busy to give time to listen well. Let us always open our hearts and mind so that we become sensitive to the voice of God talking to us.  Surely there were times when we heard and experienced the voice of God giving us “out of this world” instructions and we responded nonchalantly as if we never heard anything, refused outright and rejected it. If before we just choose to do it whichever way we wanted it without much thought from now on let us respond to God in the best way we can with hearts full of love and obedience. When we grumbled and complained we all know for a fact that it didn't make things any better. We would have to practice more and make perfect the art of trusting and hearing God's voice. God is never short of anything. God is God and He will always be. Let us no longer confuse ourselves with the inaccuracies and discrepancies of our human hearts and minds. Let us keep it focused on Him who is Holy and Perfect. Let us all acculturate ourselves to the Kingdom of God to become a true member of His society. In this way we become a fit and authentic member of God's nation. No one can ever love and care for us more than God. He is the source of living water thus we thirst no more. Indeed, if today we hear His voice, let us not harden our hearts and let Jesus come. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 95:1-2, 3-5, 6-7
R. (1 Cor 16: 22b, see Rev. 22: 20c) Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
For the LORD is a great God, and a great king above all gods; In his hands are the depths of the earth, and the tops of the mountains are his. His is the sea, for he has made it, and the dry land, which his hands have formed. R. ...Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. 7 For he is our God, and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides...

Let us stay focused on the Lord and remain steadfast in our faith no matter what situation we are in, let us not be dissuaded and be prepared always. I could never forget the time when I was watching “Deal or No Deal” on TV and saw this lady contestant who was so full of confidence when she bravely and proudly said that she is going home with a $1,000,000. As the game went on, her confidence started to ebb down when one by one she was opening very high amounts and started to lose the confidence that she had during the start of the show. It finally came to a point when only cases containing very low amounts as low as below $400 and the $1,000,000 were left behind. Her defenses finally gave way and made a deal for $115,000 instead of continuing to play. Only to find out in the end that the case she had chosen really contained the 1 million dollars. It gave me the impression that sometimes we are like that with God when everything seems to be safe and sure we hold on to God’s promise and continue to hope for the best but when the tough gets going that’s when we start to doubt if there’s really something good in store for us if we continue to stick to the Lord through thick and thin. When the lady contestant finally decided to deal she said these words, “I may believe that my case has the 1 million dollars but it may not be so.” She doubted her gut feeling in the beginning. We can not blame her for what she did because she just wanted to make sure that she can at least win something from the game instead of going home with nothing. With regards to our dealings in the matters of our faith we should never make a deal nor compromise for we are 100% sure that we will come out as the winner if we choose God above all. When we engage ourselves in things that we consider worthy of our time and energy then we should always make a conscious effort to examine it if they will lead us to something that draws us away from God. We can do this by always lifting to God in prayer whatever decision we make whether it is big or small. As we do this more often time will come when we will eventually develop sensitivity and an open mind to the will of God. As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." At first it may not seem to be relevant at all because people make wise decisions every day and nothing seems to make any difference at all whether it is offered to God in prayer or not for as long as it is the right thing to do. As rational human beings we are all capable of making a logical decision. The big difference lies in the fact that every time we make decisions and develop a conscious act of placing God in the center we strengthen our bond with God. It is just like when we want to involve someone in our life then we eventually develop a close relationship with the person because of the constant interaction that is being formed which eventually leads to a more meaningful relationship. Today's gospel is a warning to all of us not to be lenient about our faith. An evil force is out to destroy this bond and if we are not going to actively participate in keeping it intact then we may easily fall into the trap. We should take every opportunity that comes our way to exercise our faith. As we grow in strength and work our way to developing a strong and spiritually fit soul we make ourselves ready and able to stand firm on that final day. Amen. Hallelujah! 

Lk 21:34-36
Jesus said to his disciples: “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.”


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