I remembered seeing photos of friends in Facebook who visited the Getty Museum. Then I heard the priest said in his homily that if there’s one place he would recommend visiting then it is a museum and specifically mentioned Getty Museum to be one of the nicest places he has been. Today’s 1st reading brought me back to my reflection in the past about my visit to the said museum. As a Christian we must believe that there is no such thing as coincidence only divine providence. Having said this and considering the flow of events that is all pointing to the Getty Museum I have concluded that it is worth looking back and sharing once again the said experience. I could still remember when we (Sisters Bernadeth, Lucy, Marcy, and Rose) spent the entire day at the J. Paul Getty Museum. It was indeed a day of joy and gladness not only because of the wonderful and nice things we've seen at the Museum but also because of the very nice company we had in each other. There were lots of people who came to the museum that day and everyone who came had the chance of seeing the priced and valuable treasures that the Christian world holds very dear. In one of the exhibit rooms and the first place we had been were manuscripts of some parts found in the bible that dates way back in the year 800 AD. There were illustrations some with gold in paper of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, The story of Jephtha and his oath (can be found in the Book of Judges) (Regensburg, 1030-40; 1400-10)The Annunciation and The martyrdom of Isaiah, (Wurzburg, 1240-50)St. Michael battling the Dragon,  (Hildesheim, 1170s)St. Stephen by a painter named Circle of the Master of the Golden Bull (Prague, 1405) The Visitation (Strasbourg, 1500) and several of The Crucifixion (Steinfeld, 1180; Cologne by Master of St. Veronica, 1400-10; Franconia, 1475; Westphalia,1500-05; by Albrecht Altdorfer, 1520) These are just a few of the many and the earliest artworks they have preserved and depicts the truth about our God. There is really no doubt about the truth in today's 1st reading since every human being has been given the privilege of knowing about our God and acknowledging Him as the one true God. For thousands of years people have been writing, painting, documenting amazing and wonderful things from different parts of the world. It is a consolation to know that although there are people, places and things that I've seen there that no longer exist today and is just a thing of the past but the message conveyed in every artwork about our Lord Jesus Christ still persist and remain intact, true and a masterpiece until the present time. Amen. Hallelujah!

Acts 10:25-26. 34-35. 44-48
...“In truth, I see that God shows no partiality. 35 Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him. 44 While Peter was still speaking these things, the holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the word. 45 The circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the holy Spirit should have been poured out on the Gentiles also, 46 for they could hear them speaking in tongues and glorifying God...

Is there any other place we would like to be other than in the loving presence of God? This, I'm sure we can and should have a straight answer without delay. No one should ever claim that they haven't heard or known about God since it is our prime duty to spread and make it known throughout the whole world. There is no denying to the truth that all of us are given the chance to know who our God is and it is also our duty and responsibility to take part in this mission of spreading the good news and make known to everyone to the best of our ability the saving power of God. We should consider each day as an opportunity to know and learn more about our God. Whether it be an ordinary or special day in our life nothing should be amiss and should be spent in giving glory to God our Savior and Master. We can never ever deny the greatness of our God even just by looking at the simplest part of God’s creation like the tiniest grain of sand to the largest ocean in the world. As in Jeremiah 5:22, “Will you not tremble before me who set the sand as limit to the sea, as an everlasting barrier it can not pass? Its waves may toss but not prevail, they may roar but can not pass beyond.” We ask ourselves how in the world can a tiny grain of sand hold the vastness of the ocean in the same way we know that we have a God whose saving power is known throughout the earth. It is our duty to ourselves to aim for the ultimate good which is the will of God in our lives. This is not something that we still have to search and look for. It is already programmed in us and made known to us by the Lord. If by any chance this is not the case especially for those people who have not heard or known about our Lord Jesus since birth then the Lord Himself knows how to deal with them in accordance to His Divine Wisdom and Mercy. For us who have been blessed and endowed with the privilege of hearing and knowing about Jesus, this is coupled with a responsibility. The principle that to those who have been given much, much is also expected, definitely applies. We have a responsibility in our hands to make known to everyone we meet about this vital truth that could spell the difference between life and death. It is always for our good to attend activities that nourish our soul. We are enlightened and inspired because of the many good things we can learn from it. Whenever we hear words of wisdom it could always help us make sense of the things happening around us even suffering. It gives a feeling of special joy and gladness in every person’s heart. If we continue to stand by the principles of God then we will come to know that there is no truth in the saying that faith is against reason. We can truly appreciate the relevance of the truth as explained by Pope John Paul II that true faith come together with true reason. It is the same thing as saying that Theology tells us that God created the world while Science tells us how God created the world. The problem is that great propaganda out there. It makes sin appear with all its fun, excitement and glamour. It makes virtue appear boring, lame, bland and unexciting. But the truth of the matter is, it’s not. The pleasures that God created in this world are enjoyed the most by those who don’t abuse them and use it simply. Who do we think enjoys food most? The person who doesn’t know how to fast and engorges all the time or a person after a fast experiences a feast? The virtuous person enjoys life the most. The person who uses creation and all things according to God’s plan enjoys it the most. It is because pleasure is God’s idea. All the good things in the world that people want are God’s idea. Satan can’t invent even one bit of pleasure.  But God commands them to be used so that it leads to life and a part of life is joy. The way to enjoy life is to follow God’s commands. Life is not all about rules and regulations. God did not just give us a bunch of rules and regulations that we are supposed to obey like machines. What we do does not just proceed from who we are but also makes us who we are.  The actions we engage, the words that we say and the things that we do have an impact on us. We are making ourselves all the time. The bible tells us that God created everything in 7 days what we don’t know is there is an 8th day. Each day of our life is an invitation from God to co-create with Him and could be called the 8th day and so we may say that creation did not really end on the 7th day. We, Catholics believe that God gave human beings reason although it sometimes gets darkened by sin but still human reason can figure out some things. One of the things that human beings figure out without God having to reveal it, is that human beings need to meet 4 qualities to be deemed a human being. The philosopher, before even Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, had this figured out. We find it mentioned in Wisdom 8:7, the 4 virtues or qualities are also called the hinge virtues because it is where all the other virtues or qualities of good people would hinge. The word cardinal means hinge. The Cardinals who surround the Pope are the doorway to the Pope. They are also the ones whom he rely the most for advice. Everything else depends on the cardinal virtues. (Prudence or wisdom, justice, temperance and courage or fortitude) We can also find all the cardinal virtues, like justice which means giving each person his or her due in the Book of Proverbs, Sirach, Ecclesiastes and all the wisdom literature in scriptures. We all know even as kids instinctively, how important justice is. The first thing that a kid cries out as soon as he learns how to talk if he has brothers and sisters is “Not fair, he got more than I did” or “You ask me to do more than what that person is doing.” This is because we have instinctively or natively offensive justice. Each person has rights and ought to get their due. There’s also another part of justice that we forget, that is, we have obligations and duties to everyone. A person who is unjust is not a good person. To be just, we need to control our passions. Temperance is a virtue that balances and controls our passions. It is like controlling our desire for that last piece of cake if we know that it belongs to our sister. In order to be just, we’ve got to control our appetites. Make our appetites come into line with justice, truth and goodness. We’ve got to have that balance in our life in order to be a good and effective person. Temperance makes this happen. We also have to be courageous. If we are not courageous then every time a difficulty arises we’re going to shrink back. If there’s any danger involved in doing the right, just and wise thing then we’re just going to crack out and find an excuse because we’re afraid. Courage or fortitude helps us to master fear and not let fear keep us from doing what’s right. In the same way that we want justice to prevail always since it is very frustrating when we encounter situations that are very unjust. We are reminded in today's psalm that we can all be assured of the truth that the Lord rules the earth and He rules with justice there is no doubt. We've got to take hold of the marvelous things that God has done. Nothing else matters than the truth that we are all loved by God and given the privilege of taking part in His great kingdom in heaven. God revealed to us Himself in various different ways. In the gospel of Mark: "the gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God" (Mk 1:1) is summarized by the phrase - The person of Jesus, and the gospel of Luke:"The gospel of glory to God in high heaven and peace on earth to those on whom his favor rest (Lk 2:14) is summarized by the phrase - Joy to the world, while the gospel of John:"the gospel of the Word that became flesh and made his dwelling among us and we have seen his glory" (Jn 1:14) is summarized by the phrase - Eternal life then the gospel of Matthew is where all this happened to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet (Mt 1:22) and is written almost 55x in this gospel and summarized by the phrase - The Coming of the Kingdom. God's saving power is manifested in this treasury of books that have been preserved and handed to us from generation to generation. No one can deny the fact that to all God has been gracious and loving with no exception at all. God's faithful love should compel us to do the best we could ever do. There was a time when my computer got bugged down and happened to be the same time that I heard and was touched by the homily of Fr. Joseph Magdaong in the healing mass at St. Christopher where Hendrie who fixed my computer was serving as a member of the choir. It had been several years since I heard about this story of a tailor and his needle but I would never forget and always remember it especially the perfect timing and situation when I heard it. This tailor who was about to die spoke his last and they were these words, "Give me my key to heaven." At first those people who were there and heard him did not understand what he was talking about until they realized that he was asking for his needle. In the same way we must have our own keys in heaven as we try to examine ourselves and find out what is it in our life that can be compared to that needle in a tailor's life or our special talents that we can offer to God. I could still very well remember that I was on the verge of tears upon hearing that because I immediately thought of this computer that I am using to spread the word of God through my everyday reflections on the word of God that I write and share to others through e mail. I am just full of gratitude and joy in my heart for all the amazing things that God had done especially of the fact that this computer which I consider the needle in my life remained in perfect condition since that time on. There is a need for us to respond to God's call to each one of us to become channels of His blessings as His power is revealed in us. We will just run out of excuses and alibis why we should not give honor and praise to God. There is really nowhere to go but to God and that we would have to realize not sooner or later but right now and act on it. But we have to trust, hope and rely on God rather than our own power. Let's face it we sometimes rely too much on ourselves and too little on God. We are troubled about a lot of things when sometimes there's really no cause for it. There are levels of anxiety. Exaggerated anxiety and discouragement are one of the greatest obstacles to holiness. There is a level of anxiety that we just have to trust in God's Grace and Goodness. We should not disturb our inner peace not even momentarily. Life on earth is a great struggle indeed for God's Kingdom. A lot of things can bother and bring us down but we do not have to stay that way. We have to exercise our minds and wills to put our confidence in God. He is the one whom we can totally trust and depend on to save us. Our life is much about the daily revelations of God to us through all the circumstances that surround us which points to only one truth, He is victorious. Victory is surely in our hands once we've made the right move and choice. Let us take our stand and know that God's grace is sufficient for us. We will not be put to the test beyond our strength. Things are bound to get better for as long as we hold on to God's promises. Today's psalm, kind of remind me of this preaching about this wise man from the East in the Old Testament (OT), he is a prophet named Balaam and served an evil and wicked king. King Balak wanted Balaam to exact a curse upon Israel but from his mouth came forth a blessing. He prophesied in Numbers 24:15,18 that there shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel who will dispossess Edom. A star and a scepter signifies kingship. In parallel, it was also the 3 wise men in the New Testament (NT) during the time of King Herod an Edomite who were looking for a star that would direct them to the newborn King of Israel, Jesus. He is truly our King and the fulfillment of God's promise. We are all called to respond with gratitude to the Lord who has revealed His saving power to us. There is no doubt that the God of the house of Israel is still the same one true God of today. The same privilege is handed over to us as the chosen people of GodIsrael if we lay claim and hold to the truth that we are the people of God by faith, the New Israel.  Just as the message of God finds its way to us in so many different ways so does His love, mercy and goodness remain forever true. The good news of our salvation which was obtained for us more than 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ on the cross is still being proclaimed to this very day. There is no way we can deny the truth for heaven and earth will fade but God's words will remain. God have always been giving us inspiring, amazing, awesome reasons to have something to praise and thank Him for and even when we don't get those we should still continue in doing so for it can never be denied that great and wonderful are all His works. Today’s psalm also tells us that we ought to sing with all our hearts for the Lord no matter what our situations may be. There is a special joy and gladness felt when we sing with all of our heart. We can even imagine choirs of angels and saints gathered all around and singing. God doesn't just want us to look on but instead join the singing for it has always been said that we pray twice when we sing. Singing belongs to a heart that loves. This hymn of joy is a reflection of the praise for the goodness and beauty of God. It is the glory of God from which all beauty and goodness is derived. We join the singing that unite angels and men to praise God and be a people of peace. Anyone who catches a glimpse of the glory of God breaks out into song with joy as today’s psalm tells us. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 98:1. 2-3. 3-4 (see 2b)
R: The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
1 Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done wondrous deeds;...

Today’s 2nd reading reminds of this sickly old man who told me that he has seen Jesus. He said that he had been through tough periods in his life and those were the times that he believed he had seen Him. At that time I never thought that I could hear something like that from him since he said that he was raised as a kid not to believe in God but since he was nearing the end stage of his earthly life it was very consoling to know that he started to have thoughts about Jesus. What made this occurrence even more special was the fact that today's 1st reading was the same message I imparted to him. Another thing I am reminded of is the EWTN show entitled “The Journey Home” They featured former Protestant ministers (Anglican, Presbyterian and Lutheran) who converted and became Catholic priests. It was indeed a privilege to hear them talking about the Catholic faith. Fr. Ray Ryland even said that just a few days after he was ordained as a Catholic priest he shouted out loud that he is ready to die. I was also very happy to know that one of the priests they featured was Fr. Dwight Longenecker who happened to be the author of a book I read and loved so much. Hearing him talk on television and having read his book gave me an additional joy having known this priest who happens to be the author of the Living Rosary book which has touched and moved me to a deeper understanding of how to meditate when praying the rosary considering the fact that he used to be a former Protestant minister who has now embraced the Catholic faith. I felt the enormous love and mercy of God for them as they made a distinct stand to embrace God’s love in return in the light of the Catholic faith. Our God is a perfect and precise God. No hit and miss and trial and error kind of thing. I am continuously amazed at how God speaks to us in a very specific way. Unless we relate our life to the scriptures and really transform us to the likeness of Jesus then everything that we learn will be for nothing. As we come to believe in what we've heard, learned and witnessed about God, today's 2nd reading poses the same challenge to fulfill the scripture passage in our lives. I believe that there is indeed nothing more that God could have done for us which He has not done. The greatest mystery ever known to man is the mystery of God revealed in the flesh. Jesus was conceived for 9 months in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary and became man. We are invited to contemplate on these great and beautiful truths. There is no other name other than Jesus unto which we are to be saved. The revelation and manifestation of God who became man must be shown in us and cause an awakening in the personal level. Those who were present in the Nativity of our Lord and gazed at Infant Jesus in swaddling clothes in a manger have definitely experienced a personal awakening. Especially the eyes of the magi or the well known scholars and scientists at that time, they saw a baby lying in the straw but were able to grasp what their senses failed to fathom. They offered gifts and went down on their knees to pay homage to a God in the form of an innocent baby. They saw God and heaven here on earth and thus paved the way also for man to be with God in heaven. The faith of the Magi is the first fruits of the belief of the Gentiles. So that God will be known not only to Judea and the Jews but to the Gentiles as well. God came to save not just a few or the chosen people but He came to save us all. No one is excluded. No other love is greater than the love that God has for each one of us. If only we are fully aware of this then we will all be compelled to share this great love. Let us always be reminded of this so that our thought, word and action resounds this truth. Amen. Hallelujah!

1 John 4:7-10
...the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him. 10 In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.

It is noteworthy that in the gospel of John, it is very rare that Jesus gives a commandment. In today's gospel in John, He gives us this commandment, "Remain in my love..." This love is fully given to us but if we look carefully enough we will find that we don't deserve it. It's not because of something good we have done and get in return. It is not based on some kind of contract but more of a relationship. The love of the Father is the kind of love that exists even before the world came to be. The Father loves the world despite of its imperfection being under the power of the evil one. Thus He sent His Son to redeem the world. The death of Jesus on the cross is what draws the people to Him. We have to remain in God’s love which is the source that we should constantly come to. If we keep this commandment then God will remain in us. As we enter into the process of remaining in Jesus and move away from sin then we'll have a joy that lasts forever. There is a temptation for us not to follow the Lord's words and commandments. It is understandable that we sometimes fall into the trap of sin. The temptations make us remember the nice but fake stuff and overlook the real thing. It makes us go with opinions that are widespread. We have to realize that God is offering us something infinitely great. God invites us to offer ourselves to Him wholeheartedly. God is not solitary. Jesus and the Father are one in union with the Holy Spirit. We need to believe this with a childlike faith. What is it to be a child? It is to believe in love and its loveliness and to believe in belief. It is to hold infinity and eternity in the palm of our hands. A child places its hand in yours and just follow wherever you lead. We have our fears, insecurities and worries for a future that is planned but may never come. We must not lose sight of the truth that we have our guardian angels always praying for us that we must not forget what we are destined for. He sees to it that the Lord rules over us so that God's light and life may penetrate every nook in our lives. God's will be on earth as it is in heaven for it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us. This commandment of love is repeatedly mentioned by Jesus in Chapter 14 of John’s gospel. This is not the kind of love that the world tries to show that is driven by passion. What the world tries to get across is this love that is shown through the media which is commonly passions of romance and violence. Thus people become poor in understanding this agape love of God. The people in the world follow the passions of our desires as we look into our history we see that these passions end up destroyed. What survived is the passion of the love of God. The kind of Christian love that Jesus gives us. It somehow depicts the aspect of the Blessed Trinity that we are made in the image and likeness of God so we imitate the life of the Trinity. When Jesus speaks and almost always He will say this, "I came not to speak on my own words but the Father's." We are all desirous of self expression. It is good to express one's self, whether it is right or wrong, though, self expression is not the ultimate good. As we come to know this, we must keep in mind that our Lord's words is one of the means of keeping the commandment. In order for us to remain in Him as we maintain our branches attached to Him, we must recognize the need to focus on Jesus, listen to Him as a response to this commandment and call of love. To love Him is keeping ourselves attached to Him. Sometimes we ask, "What about myself?" Many times we react negatively. We sometimes have trepidations and doubt whether we can be able to live out His commands. There is always the temptation not to follow the Lord's words in scriptures. We misinterpret happiness that the world offers.  We give in to it and get drunk by what it has to offer. Only to find ourselves with a hangover and regret of what we have done. When we give in to temptation and start to sin we ought to remember too that only the nice stuff are being presented to us at that time of temptation. We ought to realize that what it offers to us is just a spur of the moment and fleeting joy but would never last. If we respond to Jesus' commandment and enter into the process of moving away from sin then we will have a joy that lasts and a peace that surpasses understanding as St. Paul says in Corinthians. We are no longer kids who want to play with an empty decorated box rather than own a diamond. God wants us to have the diamond which lasts forever. God is an awesome God that all His faithful followers are blessed with His tremendous and unfailing power and grace. This is the reality of the joy that lasts and is complete. The gospel reminded me of the commercial about the vitamins in the Philippines. It claims to be the best vitamins for the body because it is complete. If we remain in God's love then we find complete joy in our hearts. Just imagine being truly, deeply and totally in love with a person to the point of doing everything you can to please that person. Sometimes we still end up disappointed but in the light of God's love we will always feel complete for He is perfect.  The reality that Jesus rose from the dead is at the heart of the reality of the gospel. It is because of the Resurrection that we have the certainty that we are not doomed to eternal damnation and death. We are justified and made righteous because of his resurrection. In our life's struggles and difficulties it is always good to know that we have a friend in Jesus who will never disappoint us. Just like any other relationships, true friendship is put to the test and one thing I am sure of, in Jesus we've found the perfect and loyal friend. We always have a choice. We can be a friend or an enemy to someone whenever we choose to. But think about it, no matter how difficult life situations may be we always have a better choice and it is always wise to settle for the best choice. That is to listen and follow the advice of our one true and loyal bestfriend, Jesus. God is offering us something great and beyond our comprehensions. As in, "no eye has seen nor ear has heard" what God has ready for those who accept this invitation and obey this commandment of Jesus in today's gospel. God has the right to command us because He was the one who chose us first. When God gave up His only Son to die on the cross and Jesus obeyed unto death, even the angels and saints could not take this incredible sacrifice of a God. Jesus, the only Begotten Son of God, stripped Himself of this royalty and was subjected to the most humiliating and excruciating pain. It was through this that Jesus showed us the power of powerlessness. When we ourselves are confronted with such situations we might as well take it as a privilege and invitation to throw our powerlessness to God and receive the power of Jesus to lift us up. God has poured and emptied Himself out in every possible way. This should be our motivation. The great love of God is inexplicably incredible and wonderful. It reaches out to all of us and all He asks of us is that we acknowledge, believe and obey Him. Jesus said, "None of you can be my disciples unless he gives up all his possessions." What Jesus condemns is the selfish clinging. We need to detach from selfish clinging to things for their own sake and not for God. We need to develop a universal surrender to God. We are sometimes ruled by the pleasures being offered by the world. There is a condition in ourselves that we have to achieve before we can be completely free. If we have freed ourselves of that bondage then God can move into our lives. God does not force His way into us. He is like light that comes in open windows. God is very well mannered and will not interrupt. If we cling to things then we can not advance in our relationship with God. We must work for the virtues of prudence, fortitude, justice and temperance. If we are filled with these virtues and not tied down to the worldly things then we become free.  Once we achieve this then God will give us anything we ask of Him. Amen. Hallelujah!

John 15:9-17
Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” ... I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another.”...


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