We may be going through some kind of difficulty at this time and there seems to be no end to it. It may feel like everything has turned against us and there is no way out. When things are looking bad it is always good to focus on this very popular statement of Fr. Gerry Orbos from the Philippines, "There is a reason and a mission and everything is in transition wag na makunsumisyon." The last 3 words in Tagalog can be translated as "do not fret."  God answers all our prayers and never ignores us. He will never leave us confused and groping in the dark. There may be days when we have been getting sure ball and direct messages from the Lord but we may also have a lot of things going on in our mind and we can't help having some regrets and think if we had not done what we've done, did otherwise then things may have been different. We start to doubt whether we did the right thing and it may even cross our  mind, we should have been better off if we did otherwise. But God in His goodness and mercy despite our wavering and doubts would always speak in our hearts and assure us that He will always guide and direct our steps and will never put us astray. His faithfulness we can always count on to make all things beautiful in His perfect time. Amen. Hallelujah!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens...

Some people may find it strange that I have a devotion to pray for the souls of the dead. Of the so many Catholic devotions that we know of, praying for the eternal repose of the souls is one devotion that I have committed to surprisingly and extraordinarily, I should say. It all started in 2006 when I had this very unusual experience with a hit and run victim who was lying dead for around three and a half hours already based on what the onlookers said. The accident happened very early in the morning in EDSA a main street in the heart of the city in the Philippines. My heart was moved with pity for that poor man that I offered the rosary prayer for his soul. After that incident, as far as my disposition for the dead souls are concerned things were never the same again. Something very unnatural happened immediately after that because I was on my way to a very important appointment which I was already late for. Earlier I had been told that I would no longer be entertained and would just be wasting my time if I would still go. Anyway, I still did and there it happened. I was not declined and was still allowed to enter. It was most unusual that those who came earlier and on time although they were allowed entry failed to have their document signed due to a misspelled name of a signatory. The unimaginable happened, the document I submitted contained the same misspelled name but somebody facilitated it for me so it was overlooked, signed and approved. There was only one thing in my mind at that time while it was all happening, that dead guy’s soul that I prayed for, whom I rendered some love and mercy. The same understanding and mercy was extended to me since I was accommodated but the others were not. As I've said earlier, things were never the same again thus I believe that there is life after death and it pays to pray for our departed brothers and sister. Someday when we come face to face with that reality, may we receive the breath of life everlasting from God. I've had several more special experiences related to it and also with other souls that I have prayed for. When I first saw that man lying dead in the street partially covered by newspapers, it may look a lot like there is no hope left for him considering the kind of fate and death he met. It was an untimely, unprepared and unexpected turn which also became the end of his life on earth. When things seem to look so bad as in this kind of bad that I've seen for myself or even worse, I know for sure that it is not the way it appears to be. What could one ever think of a man left dead lying on a main street of a city where a lot of people see it as they come and go. Nothing seems to be the way it really is for there is always hope. We may not yet fully understand the truth about heaven at this time while we are still bound here on earth but we can always hold on to God as fast, strong and firm as we can. To God alone, we look to be saved. We can defeat the giant problems we are facing right now. Let us not limit God's power for the bigger our problem is and the more it is heightened by its difficulty   the more God's glory is revealed. It is only right that we entrust everything to God for we have a giant God. If at the present time we are encountering so many trials and difficulties in life then consider everything as preparation for the victory God has reserved for all of us. In spite of all the discouraging and heart rending events that we’ve experienced and witnessed in our lives there is one thing sure about it. In every tear that fell and heartache, God’s mercy is always upon us. He is our fortress and stronghold that we can not be moved. A preacher on TV said that we have to go to the right frame and never turn back.  Once we are in the right frame then we should not be dissuaded because only immovable people can move mountains. We have to stick to the right frame because it is our fight of faith. It was also Jesus who told us in Mt. 17:20, “…Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." We should not lose focus and realize that we are standing on a firm foundation, solid as rock, and we can entrust everything unto Him. If we will always decide to listen and follow the advice of God and be willing to be under His guidance and direction then we will surely emerge victorious in all our battles. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 144:1b and 2abc, 3-4

R: Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!

1 Blessed be the LORD, my rock, 2 my mercy and my fortress, my stronghold, my deliverer, my shield, in whom I trust...

There are times when our judgment gets clouded with the trials and difficulties we encounter in life. We always expect things to happen the way we expected and planned it to be. We sometimes overlook things because we are so preoccupied with other things. There are times when we fall into the trap of irritability and anger whenever our situation does not look good. Instead of succumbing to it, we should just thank God in whatever circumstance we are in and count our blessings instead. We have to remain calm. It is all worth it, because we are able to practice patience. These experiences, no matter how little, insignificant or not noteworthy they are, we can still learn some lessons from them which can make us better every little step of the way. Just like Peter in today's gospel, his constant following, closeness and interaction with Jesus eventually brought him to his present place and standing in our Church. But we all know how this relationship of Peter with Jesus started out and tried several times especially with Peter's denials. Even then we can always hope and aspire that as we go along life and grab or take advantage of opportunities that God sends our way or allows to happen, we can develop a better understanding of who really God is in our life and what He is doing with our life which will eventually turn out for the best. Just as His suffering and death on the cross paved the way for His resurrection and our salvation we should always believe that God has the best reason for everything. Our life is full of choices. We need to make the right choice. We need to make a good judgment with regards to the choices we make. It is not wise to go by the prevailing standard that is being offered by the world. We may find ourselves secured now but not later; happy and contented for the time being but not meant to last; and at peace with the world but is shallow and easily disturbed. Sometimes when we have solicited the support of the majority or won the people’s approval, we have a tendency to cloud our judgments especially when our egos become inflated with pride. Rather than focus on what is right and proper before the Lord we go by popularity.  We should always keep in mind that the saying, “Majority wins” is not always what is right before the Lord. Nor should we be bothered by the opposition of other people if we do not go with the flow. In today’s gospel it is very clearly illustrated that the crowds are greatly misled and only Peter got it right. It doesn't matter what others may say or if some or most people disagree or are not pleased with our decisions what matters most is that we are right and at peace before God.  The top choice should always be Jesus if we truly wish to be saved. God is the ultimate and perfect lover whom we can not compare to the fleeting and passing love of this world. And as sure as the dawning of this new day, is the precise message of the intense, sacred, deep and indescribable love that is reserved and attributed to God alone. Our conviction and stand on certain things should always be dependent on what Jesus tells us for He is the way, the truth and the light. Amen. Hallelujah! 

Luke 9:18-22

...Then he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter said in reply, “The Messiah of God.” 21 He rebuked them and directed them not to tell this to anyone. 22 He said, “The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.”


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