We have a tendency to mistake freedom as free will and use it interchangeably. These are 2 different things. Free will is our ability to do anything that we please and it is unlimited while freedom is limited. When we exercise our free will we have to keep in mind that our freedom could be jeopardized by it. We are free to do anything we want but we are not free of the consequences. When we give in to sin then we become a slave of it. We have to stand firm and not be lured or deceived by the false propaganda it is constantly waging on us. We can never get away from the pains and torment that this present world of ours brings due to its imperfection. It is time we understand the real meaning of what Jesus said in Matthew 11:29-30, “Come to me all of you who are heavily laden and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Let us truly be wise in choosing the best and not settle for less. Let us not be deceived by the master of lies and deception by giving in to his entrapments and choosing what seems to be good but in reality is just trash wrapped in an attractive gift box. Ultimately after this life’s journey we are bound for the place of perfection that Jesus has prepared for us (John 14:3). Let us not throw away or make a foolish exchange. What God is giving us, is the most wonderful gift and God alone can give. Amen. Hallelujah!

Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1
...For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.

No one can pretend to be innocent and blameless for our iniquities. We've got to set things right before we find ourselves lost in the deceptions of this world. God will never take things sitting down for He will see to it that those who call and truly follow and obey Him, the so called "poor of the Lord" those who fully depend on God's Providence will surely be lifted up and raised from the dust. God gave His only son as ransom for our sins to save us. Is there anything else He could have done that He has not done for our sake and best interest? God alone is worthy of our praise and worship. If we will just be open at all times to this truth that the psalm reading today tells us and realize the importance of always praising God in all circumstance and live it in our lives then we can be assured of the loving, protecting and caring gaze of God to be always on us. I love this prayer that I got from an email it says, "Stars do not struggle to shine; rivers do not struggle to flow, and you will never struggle to excel in life because you deserve the best. Hold on to your dreams and it shall be well with you. Amen." We simply have to keep on trusting that God will do for us what He has promised and said that He would do. There is nowhere to go but to God. If we are confident in God's Divine Providence and constantly and consistently pray for God's guidance and protection and decide to act at all times for His greater glory then there is nothing that should ever make us want for anything for God is in control, He provides for all our needs and knows what's best for us. Nothing is indeed by accident everything is under the will of God. We just need to always trust God in all circumstances that whatever happens, God will always make a way. It is important that we are always in touch with this reality and truth about our God who is Lord of lords and King of kings and gain confidence from it as if we are already seated and counted among the leaders of His people. That's the Spirit we should all have, a winner. Amen. Hallelujah!

Psalm 113:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7
R: Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever
1 Praise, you servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. 2 Blessed be the name of the LORD both now and forever. (R)  4 High above all nations is the LORD; above the heavens is his glory. (R) 5 Who is like the LORD, our God, who is enthroned on high 6 and looks upon the heavens and the earth below? (R) He raises up the lowly from the dust; from the dunghill he lifts up the poor 8 to seat them with princes, with the princes of his own people.

Stubborn, stiff necked, hard headed and what else can we say to ourselves when we still doubt and falter in our faith in God. For so many times already, God has moved and shown His mighty power working in our lives in many instances and yet we still fail to act and respond in accordance to what God has done for us. We still insist on doing things in our own way instead of acknowledging the truth that there is nothing really more we ought to see and witness.  For the love of God manifested in Jesus is the greatest love and sacrifice ever known. If we can think of something greater than this then maybe we can continue to be stubborn and be justified in our evil ways but we can search long, far and wide and find none. Sometimes we rely on our feelings, intuition, prevailing situation, by trend and popular choice. Sometimes too there is nothing wrong with it because these are all part of our human nature. Our God relates to us in a very personal way. He knows the exact message that we need at the right moment. God in His Infinite goodness and intelligence wanted to communicate His love and mercy to us but we are limited in our capacities to understand everything that there are times when these creative means as in signs help us when we make decisions. God never stopped showing us in a variety of means His great love and mercy for us throughout generations. It is very sad that in spite of it all we sometimes just don't get it. How many more signs are we waiting for to come to us before we do what we have to do? In the fullness of time God has already sent the most perfect sign of all. Let us no longer be like this evil generation who continue to be blind of it. Let us not look any further. Let us not be fooled or tempted by the false propaganda of the world and its lies. If we are to look very closely and think deeply we are not going to end up making the wrong decisions and choices. God never runs out of things, situations and circumstances that constantly remind us of what we are supposed to do. We should be grateful for all these experiences that keep on coming one day after another to us. We must admit that somehow it gives us a boost in the midst of all the turmoil in this world we live in. Sometimes we take these things for granted and become insensitive. We fail to see the real meaning of the things we encounter and continue in our careless and stubborn ways. When this happens we end up missing the real point, the so called "greater than Jonah here". If we continue this attitude day in and out then we might find ourselves being condemned. Today's gospel warns us of this fate if we keep on passing up on all the countless signs that God has given us from the very beginning most especially the biggest and greatest sign. We ought to keep our hearts, minds and souls open to these inspirations that God gave, is giving and continues to give and not miss the greatest sign ever known. There is indeed something greater than Jonah that we ought to have seen by now. There is no other sign that could best lead us to the right path than the sign of God's love. What our human minds can not fathom God communicated to us in the flesh in no less than His only Beloved Son who came down from heaven in order to suffer and die on the cross and save us from our sins. Amen. Hallelujah! 

Luke 11:29-32

29 While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them, “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah. 30 Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. 31 At the judgment the queen of the south will rise with the men of this generation and she will condemn them, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and there is something greater than Solomon here. 32 At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here.” 


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